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unprotected SEX with wish's internet persona
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if my daughter became a streamer I would poison her
Replies: >>16134
wtf wouldn't her being an e-whore play into your cuck fantasies
Replies: >>16136
e-whores aren't really whores
they're more like con artists
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Dime a dozen con artists at that. Look how easily replaceable wish is.
Replies: >>16152 >>16161
You have no idea
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thread theme:
Replies: >>16159 >>16212
the audiographs look like penises lole
Replies: >>16160
I wonder if that was intentional when they made they song

LOLE !!!!!!!!!LOLE !!!!!!!!!LOLE !!!!!!!!!LOLE !!!!!!!!!LOLE !!!!!!!!!LOLE !!!!!!!!!LOLE !!!!!!!!!LOLE !!!!!!!!!LOLE !!!!!!!!!LOLE !!!!!!!!!LOLE !!!!!!!!!LOLE !!!!!!!!!LOLE !!!!!!!!!LOLE !!!!!!!!!LOLE !!!!!!!!!
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I am not a con artist >:(
Replies: >>16162
Wasn’t saying you’re a con artist, wish is the con artist who preys on lonely mentally ill people for money. I was just saying how easily you replace his role.
Replies: >>16163
why are you mad at wish
Replies: >>16169
wish is the scum of the earth and deserves whatever physical and emotional pain he's going through
He's a less successful attention whore without the self confidence
Replies: >>16171
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Actually I have the top thread on the index at the moment and there's also a 200+ reply thread further down in the catalog literally about me so my annoying attentionwhoring is pretty successful. I'm also comfortable posting my face and voice here while wish isn't, so how is that less self-confident?
God you people are so easy to destroy. You need to stop embarrassing yourself.
Replies: >>16176
You're comfortable being ugly while wish works hard to be cute
Replies: >>16178 >>16181
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Where face pic?
Also stop trying to add me on discord wish this is pathetic
Replies: >>16179 >>16180
"cybermilky" lmao
Replies: >>16180
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thats not me
check the last message i sent you
whats funny magick
Replies: >>16182
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i think hes not ugly he kind of looks like someone i was friends with, he should post more of his face and muscular body photo rather than the tummy one in my opinion
that couldn't come up with a better name
Replies: >>16183
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i tink its cute, i wanted cybermilk but it was already taken.. i houghr about it from cyber angel and strawberry milk :)
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the display name should be a butterfly though c:
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im sorry mattress, i shouldnt have teased you in a very rude way all the time. i want to become better and good, its about time that ive stopped being a rude brat amd just became good and tease lightheartedly instead.. :)
wish why do you lie so much
Replies: >>16188
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please dont say that as im trying to be genuine now
you have interacted with me when i was like this a year or so ago..
i dont want to be bad anymore, thats all there is to it and i feel bad for being mean/insensitive via teasing.. its been an issue for a while and i will fix it. i will be good and strive to be the goodest to have the highest angelic energy in the world + heal ppl around me, as a magical girl should.
its ok to not believe me and be skeptical about this, but you will see that i will improve a lot since im determined to ( ◡‿◡ *)
im speakign from my heart
Replies: >>16190 >>16285
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u literally lied like 3 posts ago wish, how can you even say that you're trying, you're in a continuous cycle which you most likely enjoy
wish why do u lie is ALMOST as if you were EVIL and DESERVED to just die, almost
Replies: >>16191
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sorry i dont understand, 3 posts ago ,  ? the display name feature on discord would make my name become a butterfly
um sorry for not getting it if its a joke waa,,
Replies: >>16192
now you're trying to gaslight us, is that it?
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i know i screwed it up by betraying myself as this evil menhera whatever thing.. im sorry, ive encouraged other people to call me that too because i thought it was cool and it isnt cool
please be kind.. im really speaking with honesty and ur jmaking my heart beat rise up and i dont know what to do to prove that ill be good besides you watching over me i think ..sorry magick
Replies: >>16194 >>16285
the same image posted twice is an indication of the separated self
how can you even make it up to us
Replies: >>16196
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i was just anxious magick and i didnt know if i placed the image twice or not since i didnt have time to think..
ill try to be as good and nice as before and if you have any ideas ur always welcome to tell magick
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ill make sure that im everyone's safe space and healer, ill make you very happy and feel nice and warm on the inside. i will never let the dark witch win ever again and take over my body. it makes me act ugly, say ugly things.. i will be good. i promise. pinky promise. ♡
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by dark witch i just mean negative energy not a wierd larp
have a nice day in advance :)  iwill go back to grinding in poe new league
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It's okay we made up (me and wish pictured)
Replies: >>16202
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new thread theme
wish cute
Replies: >>16209
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~u have been blessed by the wakey cat in this thread~
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cute evil and confused
Replies: >>16210 >>16212
wonder how long till he starts lashing out and proclaiming himself a bbc slut again
Replies: >>16212 >>16213
sexxx sex sex sex
we had sum sexxx sex sex sex
i like it very much don't you?
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um am i not allowed to be angelic and also a bbc sl*t  ,?
Replies: >>16215 >>16235
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You also love MLP too
Just be yourself wish we all love you more when you be yourself
Replies: >>16217
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thank u mattress, i have always wanted to speak in a kinder non bratty way again and i think its healthy to do that, i still like the things i like though <3
yes you're allowed
Replies: >>16236
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this makes me happy to hear as not being able to lust bbc will make me disfunction.. it will break me
Replies: >>16237
oh, no sorry, i misread... 
it's time to break wish
Replies: >>16239
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never changed the way you love havent you
Replies: >>16248
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that doesn't make grammatical sense
Replies: >>16253
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you want to fuck me
Replies: >>16262
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why can't we just be cool internet friends without fucking coming into it
Replies: >>16263
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ii will get tired from repeating that im just sleep deprived
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but like im not trying to attack you or anything u know i think u genuinely want to be a sardine that grows from the soil
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me&mattress are going to sleep (he is a teddy bear for a few hours of sleep
Replies: >>16270
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I failed life.. didn't I.........

LOLE !!!!!!!
Replies: >>16308
FRICC !!!!!!! FRICC !!!!!!! FRICC !!!!!!! FRICC !!!!!!! FRICC !!!!!!! FRICC !!!!!!! FRICC !!!!!!! FRICC !!!!!!! FRICC !!!!!!! FRICC !!!!!!! FRICC !!!!!!! FRICC !!!!!!! FRICC !!!!!!! FRICC !!!!!!! FRICC !!!!!!! HELB ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111 .....GOD FUG IT ALL TO HECC! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Replies: >>16276
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you dont get to betray someones trust and gain it back as if nothing had occurred
no one that fucking matters would grant you a 2nd chance
i know who you are and i can see right through you
Replies: >>16286
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uh actually i was just being a brat actually so actually was just teasing so actually i will actually lower my teasing level to not be harsh actually , actually actually, actually imagine being so upset at teasing that u react this way actually, nagatoro would kill herself actually takagi san would cry actually wish would actually be confused actually.
u can unfail life

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