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AI will never take off because faggots can't tag for shit
what u mean about taggin tho
Replies: >>24276
Someone has to add the metadata to the stuff that's being fed to the AI
This is literally never done well, neither in the structural (what tags to use) or implementation (which tags to apply to each given piece of media) sense.

For example, like 95-99.8% of doujins named/tagged/etc. mesugaki are the literal opposite thereof, and the AI is basically going to be taught the wrong thing.

Like, it's a Language LM but there are no words to describe things because people are fucking retards and can't tag for shit
Similar problem to how 2006 MtL is better than 2022 MtL (cos one is based on nerds like William George Ashton, and one is based on bozos from wikipedia).
Replies: >>24290
hmm interesting, thanks for that info
but your worries are irrelevant i think, this shit will get sorted out in time, no new technology comes without problems, it all needs tons of work before it's serviceable.
Replies: >>24363
ai is the devil
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>but your worries are irrelevant i think, this shit will get sorted out in time, no new technology comes without problems, it all needs tons of work before it's serviceable.
But that's precisely it.
It's not a problem with the tech, it's a problem with the work being done.
Look at the absolute state of both new trends and work in programming languages and professional translations post 2010.

neural nets should have been a drill into symbolic logic in a big way and at the start (fucking 20 years ago or something now) they really were, since implementation specific details were an empirical answer to unprovable theories and we weren't trying to make long lasting statements or anything. When was the last time someone competent actually asked a computer what the fuck a certain genre or idea was and tried their best to interpret the results? Probably literally a decade ago. It's just pajeets shoveling things that some intern at penguin put a certain stamp on into a vat with no real understanding of what they're doing or why it needs to be done, what how it's done could mean.
what I'm trying to say is that AIs are just really good search engines
search engines are dogshit garbage now due to shit wot's been done to them and the same process isn't just going to continue, it's already happened, this is the feedstock

there will continue to be good AIs but they won't be broad because the world is gay and retarded and if you feed them the world your daughteru will become gay and retarded as well
Replies: >>24371
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how dystopian...
Replies: >>24373
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Really depends on what you call a dystopia
the world is still growing broadly better and wealthier and easier to live in and more fulfilling every day, on balance
I just think that general shittyness of academia and data entry and office work and the like (in terms of the quality of their production) is real and genuine and significant. I don't think it's like, oh no things are getting terrible, nor do I think there's some great task ahead to unfuck it. I just think things are more tortuous and painful and shitty and ineffective than anyone would imagine.
The thing is, you're already used to it. It's not like things are getting worse. I just think there's a vision of things that are real and are coming and will improve your life and circumstances that doesn't include the mundane compromises of their actual implementation that means it'll continue to be an incremental improvement with much less visceral impact than high falutin thinking could lead you to believe.

I mean, the philosophy of language was completely overhauled in the 40s but you barely even hear coherent discourse about it outside of like psueds on the internet or jewpsyches trying to use it to prop up the authenticity of their political platforms.

You know what I mean. I'm incoherently angry about people failing to meaningfully pursue their own stated goals while in full knowledge that that failing is their actual intent. It's a high friction world and I feel my impotence and the smallness of my experience when I see people being retarded.
Replies: >>24459
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yup, you basically just summed up how humans do things. i understand your frustration but dont let it affect your mind, it's not your problem
Replies: >>24463
no shit retard
Replies: >>24470
do you have any idea how hard i loled
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