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at wut age did you give up on getting a gf?
Replies: >>16940 >>23115
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Age 20 when I decided to have my first kiss with another guy
why give up, i could find a fat retarded girl to fall in love with any moment now
It will be hard af getting a gf but i still try c:
>>16929 (OP) 
men are so much better at sex than women
Replies: >>23113
what if you couldn't cum unless you were in the perfect mood and had to get your dick run through a gauntlet of carnie tricks
girls cum like guys who lost all sensitivity to porn
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can't give up on getting something i never wanted (;
why do I keep falling in love with lesbians
I genuinely don't think that it's possible to be worse than the average faggot
I don't think these people can feel their body
>>16929 (OP) 
couple years ago
several rejections and failed relationships, mind numbing mental crises and extreme, decadent fetish-bending, daily cooming n porn consooming sessions later, I became a boykisser
Replies: >>23117
forgot to mention I was 21*
you were 2'1''?
Replies: >>23132
yes thats right little squishy we were all smol toddler babies once

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