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Okay, so this is the most important shot in the film.

Remember this is not a movie, this is a FILM.

Don't let me down, I've made the lighting plan very clear.

Remember you press TAB to look at the lighting plan
and press E to pick up the things you need.

Get to work!

Part One

When my agent said a script was going around for a lesbian wuxia roman porno film,
I knew that I had to be the director to shoot that.

How is the shot doing?

Does it look amazing?

The most important light in three point lighting is actually the third one because without it,
it would only be two point lighting.

The last film I directed made 1.5 billion at the box office.

Part Two

Okay, great! Now that lighting's done, let's talk about the shot.

When I graduated film school, my mom asked,
"wait you were in film school?"
That hurt me.
So now I'm making a movie about everything she hates:
martial arts, porn, and lesbians.
The name of this movie is 肏你妈, which means fuck your mom in Chinese,
but it's actually about my mom.
Fuck my mom.
This movie is going to be incredible! A work of art!
Also when I said movie I meant film.
Anyways, let's shoot this baby.
Just keep the cameras on the actors!
That's it.
And lights...

Yes good, slow zoom...
Yes... my mom's gonna be so pissed.
I can already hear her screaming from Victorville, California.

Tell them I said, "good job".

And cut!

You can cut now...

I said cut!!!

The End
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