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all alone
Replies: >>20898
>>20897 (OP) 
Do you ever wonder what would become of you if you didn't just give into your vices for 18 hours a day?
Replies: >>20909
/r9k/ is being manipulated by paid agents of satan.
Replies: >>20909 >>20922
not rly
i had sleep deprivation 4 times in a row the past hour for sleeping 17 hours
Replies: >>20910
i meant sleep paralysis
im kinda scared
all of them were pretty intense im not sure why they didnt develop into a psychotic Episode but ill distract myself anyways
Replies: >>20914
have you ever tried relaxing during a paralysis episode? i heard it's the key to stepping into the astral realm. do not be afraid, there are spirits who will protect your crossing to and from this realm.
Replies: >>20917
>more nameshit drama
Replies: >>20920
 idont want to relax when someone is doing the whats the numbers mason and static tv sounds nearby my room while my ears are trying to mute everythign and my heart's bpm goes to 1000
the moment i wake up it all goes away and im still sleepy but i can tsleep
Replies: >>20920 >>20936
lol k
Replies: >>20925
they have been convinced to subvert the truth at every possible opportunity, so the masters their handlers worship may avert culpability. they have infiltrated such spaces much more intimately than you'd be lead to believe.
Replies: >>20926
no it was my turn to fuck with the soulness degenerate cancerous hypergrids retarded robot niggerfaggots literally worse than demons and god given to torture and some how end up corrupting literal demons trying to possess the pozzed broken vessels
idk maybe its [s4s] turn now that im bored again no refunds lole lole
Replies: >>20936
i keep sleeping help
i promise nothing will hurt you there. the only danger you must be aware of, is yourself. try to relax by focusing your mind on cute things you like or something. focusing on the panic will only make you panic more. you have this type of urgency over your mind in your dreams, and ultimately, reality.

somehow you sound more crazy than me haha
Replies: >>20937
it will get alot worse once you deal with the current robots im lucky to even recover this much i should be worse than the local femboys
Replies: >>20938
i think you're fine. we're all actually just fine. society is insane though. it must be to sustain itself.
Replies: >>20939
thats great but im bored
Replies: >>20942
okay stupid
Replies: >>20955
rude tbh
Replies: >>20962
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stupid in the context of being a stupid boy, if it makes it any better.
Replies: >>20966
cute but bad
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