beam languages into my brain now please!
>>41823 i DONT need to be abilified
so anyway i woke up this morning with a craving for bloodlust
>>41825 um
>>41826 um hi
spontaneous nocturnal bloodlust
but i have to concentrate on my work... Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck
>>41836 what work
>>41836 what work ten ten
mama tenshi
>>41889 >>41913 m*rder
>>41889 magiick silly i was just repeating a line from the song, please do not take me soo seriously! >>41922 thank you for the language, umm... 人外有人,天外有天?
>>41927 give me your thoughts on this
>>41915 >>41928 how would magivk know wat your talking about bim
>>41958 i am a beacon of safety and comfort in this dangerous scary world
>>41972 You a twat
>>41974 ur the one being rude to me for no reason soooo i could say the same thing about you but i won't becuase im nice
>>41975 You’re a twat
>>41984 ur stuipdt
twat lol
where is tenshi
>>42142 perpetuating the cycle as always