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it would be incredibly so los blissful if u were an altered state of consciousness, no thoughts, head empty, just doing what ur told and being treated nice
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I was reading this overly dramatized piece on some hypnotic fetish girls regretting being part of a hypnosis sex cult and it was pretty hot, I was somewhere around here where I blew my load, hypnotized sex must be nice, I just hope you actually get to remember any of it, cus they made it seem like you're supposed to forget what happened.
Replies: >>18273 >>18274
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y is it always a sx* thing
why cant i just get hypnotized into being relaxed and happy and cuddling in bed while watching cat videos
women are too fragile and innocent to give informed consent
Replies: >>18275
>>18269 (OP) 
>a good girl will always strive to find more girls for her master

>Both Abby and Ava shared screenshots of James sending them the profiles of women he wanted them to recruit. “Good fuckdoll. And good girls create more good girls, don’t they?” he said in one.) 
>James would go through each person’s phone on a regular basis, picking out friends he wanted them to recruit.

ngl that's pretty hot
s*x is one of those base physiological functions and being in total control of that is pretty easy, if you have a hypnosis kink you will get horny just being put into hypnosis and getting "triggers" put in your psyche.

that's the funny thing, you can't actually make ppl do things totally against their will, these girls all wanted it until, like always, someone else gaslighted them that they were victims of sexual assault rather than consenting partners in erotic hypnosis roleplay.
The bimbofication brainwashing and memory erasing part is just part of the fantasy in bimbo sleep which they bring up a lot and act like it's dangerous and will lower your IQ and erase your brain to replace it with girly bimbo thoughts just by listening to it once, like many redditors claim.
Replies: >>18276 >>18287
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>>18269 (OP) 
Doing hard workouts and/or yoga with a good trainer leading the class is basically this. When you're thinking about breathing just to get air into your body you don't have time to think about anything else and you just do it, it's pretty great.
>like always, someone else gaslighted them that they were victims of sexual assault rather than consenting partners in erotic hypnosis roleplay.
There was some great news article (basically advertising therapy lmao) where a girl who was basically successfully stripping through college got mindfucked by a therapist and broke down and stopped being a functional adult but I haven't been able to find it again.
>act like it's dangerous and will lower your IQ and erase your brain to replace it with girly bimbo thoughts
This shit is so fucking gay and retarded. Why are normalfags so fixated on degradation, why can't things be nice?
Replies: >>18282
*fixing her lipstick in women's bathroom* hmmm that professional sex hypnotist is skeevier than i had imagined *leaves and resumes shopping for high heels and purses*
>When you're thinking about breathing just to get air into your body you don't have time to think about anything else
>it's pretty great
reminds me of when i overdosed on caffeine. that was 6 hours of forcing myself to breathe and keep up with my heart. not great.
Replies: >>18284 >>18294
fake news
ODing on caf just makes you puke a bit and your hands shake
>forcing myself to breathe and keep up with my heart
literally the opposite of real
"Exercise is bad/the same as ODing on stims" is a novel troll tho. Is this how you justify being a gross fatty?
Replies: >>18285
>fake news
uhh okay... i mean i did start puking maybe 3 hours into it. may i ask what the highest dose youve taken is?
>"Exercise is bad/the same as ODing on stims" is a novel troll tho
im just saying being in the moment isnt necessarily a good thing. being able to think about something other than biological functions is generally a good sign.
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>may i ask what the highest dose youve taken is?
It's hard to tell because only half of it was pills plus the half life of caf varies a lot butt at least 5g and probably about 8g+
It feels fucking horrible but
>forcing myself to breathe and keep up with my heart
Is the literal opposite of the experience. A nigger doesn't start to deliberately hyperventilate expecting it to slow their heart down, you've literally never experienced being exerted or being on strong stims and the "needing to breath" was probably the spike in blood pressure getting blood into your gangrenous diabetes toes for the first time in a decade.
>being able to think about something other than biological functions is generally a good sign.
Confirmed for never having done exercise. Why are fatties all so bitchy about the idea of ever doing anything with their body?
>i mean i did start puking maybe 3 hours into it
If you took it all at once then this would've been either at 1-2 hrs (peak concentration) or shortly after intake.
Nice phantom pregnancy bro
Replies: >>18288 >>18300
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>s*x is one of those base physiological functions and being in total control of that is pretty easy, if you have a hypnosis kink you will get horny just being put into hypnosis and getting "triggers" put in your psyche.
i get that, it makes sense but it makes me sad :c
it must be nice to be able to trust someone enough to give them total control over you like that but the people who get involved in this sort of thing are never trustworthy. if you have whatever brain defect makes people submissive it's like you have a big neon sign on your head that attracts all the sx* perverts and self-absorbed psycho manipulative abusers to see. and the peopel who get abused often dont even realize that theyre the ones putting themselves into situations where theure likely to be hurt, they never self-reflect and it just keeps happening.
just more evidence that 3dpd
>A nigger doesn't start to deliberately hyperventilate expecting it to slow their heart down
i wasnt breathing fast just manually, its like my body gave up on trying to keep me alive. it was really hard to push air in and out of my lungs and if i mistimed it i would start blacking out.

>If you took it all at once then this would've been either at 1-2 hrs (peak concentration) or shortly after intake
kay sorry i didnt check the clock in between writhing around in pain and struggling to stay alive.

and stop calling me fat, im skinny i swear...
if you have the gene for experiencing ASMR you can self-induce that

(actual ASMR, not this weird "professional"-style fake stuff that's been popular in the past 10 years. real ASMR kind of feels like taking an opiate or other ecstasy-inducing drug, not just some vague sensation when hearing someone whisper near a big microphone. it typically only is experienced when in a completely unintentional situation)
Replies: >>18301
should've either gone to a hospital or taken depressants (alcohol, benzos, etc.)
>SHU UP! youre not a real druggie like ME!
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Is that why I get totally entranced and spaced out listening to cute boy licking your ears asmr?
I'm sure I'd get totally obedient if said cute boy was whispering in my ear for real
Replies: >>19226
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why aren't there more pics of hypnotist POV?
so hote
Replies: >>19227
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Replies: >>19228
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imagine someone taking advantage of u consensually!
>>18269 (OP) 
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