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Stumbled upon a domestic violence news article and the person in the mugshot was literally basil i don't know if I wanna post it because it literally mentions his and his bfs full name and address wtf this is so surreal but also so funny at the same time
abused yet again
sad times to be a squishy. i hope they get better.
post the article? I wanna read it
Replies: >>36147 >>36149
Post it squishy, you already brought attention to this so might as well
Replies: >>36149
I mean I'd post it if it wasn't for the fact it lists both basil's and his bf's full name as well as the exact home address the police responded to, like wtf is wrong with america where doing something like that is okay
Replies: >>36150 >>36156
the cops always got called when my parents fought. i hated it.
hope his bf is okay
Replies: >>36152
basil was the one who called the cops and got beaten, idk why they took his mughshot as well
Replies: >>36154 >>36155
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should i ask if basil is okey i dont have basil in my steam fl anymore but im still in the steam bury pink group
I would hope his bf drops the soap in prison but he'd probably enjoy that so idk
because in the US, the man always get arrested when someone calls in a domestic violence, even if it's the man getting beat up, when it's a gay couple, they probably didn't know who to pick so they took basil.

pls don't post the story it wouldn't benefit anyone to know where he lives
Replies: >>36162
Well that already narrows it down quite a bit
How long's it gonna take now
I am so poor and hungry, I live on the street and have to eat chewed up bubblegum to survive. 
Nobody gives me money because they are malicious and want me to remain poor. 
The only thing that will improve my situation and benefit me is by posting the story so I can know where Basil lives.
Replies: >>36163
You can't even starve in the US, there's so much help, welfare and social programs for homeless people, even men, the only reason you stay on the street is if you're antisocial as fuck
that's just retarded lmao
police don't do that, this is fake
cops don't make arrests like this, and they don't publish full addresses lmao
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