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How bad will things get under Trump? The Left doesn't care about us anymore and was probably just using us for some jewish agenda. While Trump can just pass an anti-trans law to keep his clapping seals entertained and create the illusion of "winning" against the "Left". Feels like we've become a sacrificial lamb to boost Trump's approval numbers if he fails in securing the border, floods the country with pajeets or starts a new war for his jewish masters. Boomers unironically think we're all child groomers that wanna cut their son's dicks off and rip off their daughter's tits. So we'll get no sympathy from anyone and nobody will try to stop Trump from screwing us over in the long run.
Replies: >>40773
>>40770 (OP) 
>Boomers unironically think we're all child groomers that wanna cut their son's dicks off and rip off their daughter's tits
Shouldve done something about that stigma and called freaks like those out, started a movement or something. There's a definitely a sizeable number of those like that out there 
Watching only after your own interests, gooning all day and calling people homophobes with other slurs thrown in when they don't accept you, doesn't help with your image and neither does it stir people's emotions in a way they'll like you, this is a problem with lgbt in general though
Replies: >>40774
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It's not my fault. I was busy playing Fallout New Vegas and gooning to Nagi Ichi's yaoi doujinshi.
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