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niacinamide is a gateway drug to crossdressing and gay sex!
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yeah probably
what's next after step 1 of giving horny dumb esfoce boys an eating disorder
they get into skincare and then androgen blockers for nicer hair
Replies: >>35620
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talk me out of getting a flat chastity with the urethra tube does that need training to insert or something?
I wish I could use metal chastity but they're all chink chinesium pot metal "stainless steel" and I'm allergic to nickel, I can't imagine how bad it would get stuffing nickel down my urethra.
Replies: >>35622
if you get a rash just put some cortisol cream on your index finger and apply it down your urethra.
Imagine wearing that tube down your urethra and the metal end on that plastic tube slips off and stays inside.
chastity cages are fucking gross and disgusting
do they make those without the urethra tube thing?
Replies: >>35626 >>35629
you are going to break your penis again
Replies: >>35627
my penis is resilient
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Yes but im not sure how the flat flat ones actually hold your bepis in place, you need one that inverts even a little bit to really lock your bepis in place
Replies: >>35630
wdym it works like any other cage but it's for people with really small penises
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I would prefer something like pic related which is snug but not flat
"normal" silicone and hard plastic cages haven't seen working for me because they're too large
but also idk if these metal ones feel good when using a vibrator, hard plastic conducts the vibrations pretty well
Replies: >>35632
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>but also idk if these metal ones feel good when using a vibrator
It does.
Sometimes you have to press the cage into you (with the wand) to maintain full flush contact if you don't have it held in but it feels great. The only real possible consequence with salt shakers is that you can easily end up with part of your foreskin getting pinched between the outside of the cage and the wand.
Your Fortune: Bad Luck
Replies: >>35633
oh okay
you can get pinched using any cage though, because all of them have holes
Replies: >>35634
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Sure but this is the only cage I've had that's comfortable enough to not just abstractly pinch me under it's own power.
I've never used the catheter so I can't really tell you what if feels like
Your Fortune: Make Sure Your Earthly Affairs Are In Order
Replies: >>35635
you must have a very smol pp
Replies: >>35636
No it's unpleasantly large
Replies: >>35637
how come it fits in such a small cage
Replies: >>35638
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Dicks are squishy
Replies: >>35641 >>35653
make a vid of u caging your apparently big dick
Replies: >>35645
It's not 6'' when it's not erect
pp cage and hrtdrugz goes up
wait is magick gay
in this thread we can see magick outing herself as a woman yet again for not knowing penises are smaller when non-erect
Replies: >>35651 >>35652
it makes no sense
Wait until she finds out about foreskins.
how can you fit a 6'' dick in a flat cage that's ridiculous
they're not that squishy
Replies: >>35654
They can be completely flaccid and can even go inside of you if you push them back into your body carefully, how do you think inverted chastity cages work.
It'll be snug and tight but it won't be painful because it only expands until it encounters resistance and fills all available space.
Wait, boys have balls as well as a penis???
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