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just got astrally raped again
Replies: >>38979 >>38981
>>38977 (OP) 
we meet again, Jojo.
Replies: >>38980 >>39061
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Replies: >>39061
>>38977 (OP) 
dubs of I bet you enjoyed it~
Replies: >>38982
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what is wish's purpose in life
Replies: >>38984
Attaining Heaven.
ill make sure to fulfill Wish's goals.
Replies: >>39001
You can't
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>Also, interoception was associated to neuroticism [5, 6], a personality trait known to be a vulnerability factor for mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety disorders [7]. Past studies suggested patients with panic disorder were hypersensitive to body signal [8,9,10], as well as irritable bowel syndrome [11].
>The Hevajra further states that "one knowing the nature of poison may dispel poison with poison."[43] As Snellgrove notes, this idea is already present in Asanga's Mahayana-sutra-alamkara-karika and therefore it is possible that he was aware of Tantric techniques, including sexual yoga.[45]
>Regression analyses revealed that PCL-R Facet 4, which reflects antisocial behavior, was predictive of reduced interoceptive awareness. These findings suggest that the expression of psychopathic behavior might be influenced by an attenuated sensitivity to one's own bodily signals.
>Blair proposes that psychopaths show high levels of reactive aggression due to their increased susceptibility for experiencing frustration. This increased susceptibility arises from cognitive impairments in stimulus-reinforcement learning and response reversal, which lead to repetitive unsuccessful goal-directed behaviours that are frustrating to the psychopath. These two forms of processing, particularly response reversal, are argued to be dependent on the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, a brain region which is known to be dysfunctional in psychopathy.
>It is interesting to note that while the Volutaar speaks so carefully about not drawing upon the Archons, it is clear that she has done so extensively. Her appearance is still that of a young girl, despite her obvious age. The Manmas Natau are much older in appearance, and I wonder now if that is by choice, or their approach to Lihakut'ak14 precludes the use of it so extensively upon themselves.
>In traditional Sabbatean doctrine, Zevi (and often his followers) claimed to be able to liberate the sparks of holiness hidden within what seemed to be evil. According to Michaelson, Frank's theology asserted that the attempt to liberate the sparks of holiness was the problem, not the solution. Rather, Frank claimed that the "mixing" between holy and unholy was virtuous.[8] Netanel Lederberg claims that Frank had a Gnostic philosophy wherein there was a "true God" whose existence was hidden by a "false God". This "true God" could allegedly be revealed only through a total destruction of the social and religious structures created by the "false God", thus leading to a thorough antinomianism. For Frank, the very distinction between good and evil is a product of a world governed by the "false God".
the messiah must redeem the dark side of god. it is the only way to bring forth adytum... to have heaven descend into the leviathan. meditate on this
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Replies: >>39967
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demonic psychoticism above
Replies: >>39066
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im not psychotic the flesh dimension real no wait please u have to believe me im mentally sane im
Replies: >>39070
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meditate on this then
Replies: >>39076
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meditating on it... for some reason these screencaps are making me think about dialectical materialism and lucretius. check this thread out... it might be interesting...

>"psychic reflex action" [...] produced by the stimulus of accumulated representations (Vorstellungen) of the individual's life experience
>According to Bergson, these deep-seated psychic states are formed by the whole of our memory in the sense that they are the synthesis of all of our past experiences.
>According to Bergson, the mistake of psychological determinism is that it is based on an associationist view of the mind. Basically, associationism conceives of the mind as a set of tendencies without singularity, governed by laws of force.27 In so doing, psychological determinism is deceived by the language which designates our tendencies by general and impersonal terms: “love,” “hate,” and so forth. In reality, due to the continuity of psychological life, “each of us has his own way of loving and hating; and this love or this hatred reflects his whole personality.”28
>In short, we are free when our acts spring from our whole personality, when they express it, when they have that indefinable resemblance to it which one sometimes finds between the artist and his work. It is no use asserting that we are then yielding to the all-powerful influence of our character. Our character is still ourselves; and because we are pleased to split the person into two parts so that by an effort of abstraction we may consider in turn the self which feels or thinks and the self which acts, it would be very strange to conclude that one of the two selves is coercing the other. Those who ask whether we are free to alter our character lay themselves open to the same objection. Certainly our character is altering imperceptibly every day, and our freedom would suffer if these new acquisitions were grafted on to our self and not blended with it. But, as soon as this blending takes place, it must be admitted that the change which has supervened in our character belongs to us, that we have appropriated it
>Bergson compares the experience of true memory to a telescope, which allows us to understand the rotating movement. What we are supposed to visualize with the cone is a telescope that we are pointing up at the night sky. Thus, when I am trying to remember something, I at first see nothing all. What will help us understand this image is the idea of my character. When I try to remember how my character came about, at first, I might not remember anything; no image might at first come to mind. Pure memory for Bergson precedes images; it is unconscious. But, I try to focus, as if I were rotating the rings that control the lenses in the “telescope”; then some singular images come into view. Rotation is really the key to Bergson’s concept of virtuality. Always, we start with something like the Milky Way, a cloud of interpenetration; but then the cloud starts to condense into singular drops, into singular stars. This movement from interpenetration to fragmentation, from unity to multiplicity, (and even from multiplicity to juxtaposition) is always potential or virtual. But the reverse process is also virtual. Therefore the cone has a second movement, “contraction” (Matter and Memory, p. 168).
>“Vorstellung” was introduced into German philosophical vocabulary to meet a translation requirement: the need for an equivalent in German to the Lockean term “idea”. For Kant, “Vorstellung” is the generic term for whatever can be a mental item, but it is conventionally translated as “representation”. Thus Kant writes “The genus is representation [Vorstellung] in general (repraesentatio)” (A320, B376). Representations/Vorstellungen divide up into intuitions, concepts and, in Kant’s particular Platonic sense of the term, ideas (Ideen). For the later German Idealists, however, as we shall see, Vorstellungen do not comprehend all kinds of mental item, but are mental items of a particular kind – ones that may, in fact, be inadequate to convey the highest forms of mental content.

also notice the numerology... 7 stages of mental illness, 7 archons, 7 deadly sins, 7 days of the week. 4 consecutive stages, 4 classical elements, 4 maximum relations. mm yes. will need to meditate more on everything here as well and revisit it...

anyways summons a spirit so u dont make me die of voodoo death
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