Pant pockets are kind of overrated
The cross section between easy to get stuff out of and stuff actually stays in your pocket is pretty bad because your legs obviously move around a lot so stuff needs to defeat gravity to stay in. Like if you're not a giant fucking hambeast with a six inch pool of oinker on your ass then even sitting all the way into a chair like in a car is gonna put your pocket at like a 100° angle to the ground.
Coats can have good pockets because the torso is more upright, especially if it's on a the upper part of a coat you'd take off before lying down or rolling around but anything you want to actually stay on a skirt is gonna have to be like clipped on to the waistband anyway (or be in a zipped pocket, which is way more of a pain in all sorts of ways).
>>31247 (OP)
For views and dono's innit?