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Why do boys do this?
Replies: >>31258
These two fucked didnt they
Replies: >>31250
they got a hotel room together to collab, and the POV guy is a femboy vtuber who clickbaits talking about sex with guys constantly so yes.
wish i had friends
Replies: >>31252
just go to an anime convention in crossplay, you'll get friends and also chasers to avoid lole
Pant pockets are kind of overrated
The cross section between easy to get stuff out of and stuff actually stays in your pocket is pretty bad because your legs obviously move around a lot so stuff needs to defeat gravity to stay in. Like if you're not a giant fucking hambeast with a six inch pool of oinker on your ass then even sitting all the way into a chair like in a car is gonna put your pocket at like a 100° angle to the ground.
Coats can have good pockets because the torso is more upright, especially if it's on a the upper part of a coat you'd take off before lying down or rolling around but anything you want to actually stay on a skirt is gonna have to be like clipped on to the waistband anyway (or be in a zipped pocket, which is way more of a pain in all sorts of ways).
>>31247 (OP) 
For views and dono's innit?
Replies: >>31308
did anyone read this?
Replies: >>31309
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I always read your posts but you're such a smartass you go off on tangents about whatever and I don't really feel like replying, like what do you want me to say?
Oh wow you're really smart and learned, the thread is about boys wearing skirts and you're talking about skirt pockets uuuuhuuhhhhhuhuuuuu
Are you replying to yourself?
Replies: >>31312
Are you the same person making the big smartass posts who also owns a sex machine and burns through whole bottles of xlube in one session and then asking if anyone read it like a week later?
Replies: >>31320
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It'd be kinda cute if you (the character) thought every post you've replied to with
>did anyone read this?
was by the same person but you've played your hand too hard and made it clear that you're actually reading the threads lole
The uncomfortable middlegroundness makes it look like you're actually trying your hardest and it's just limited in scope because it's actually the best you can do. You should go back to being terse and earnest cos it kinda keeps the mystery that might actually bait someone into being invested.
Also it answered the question
>Are you replying to yourself?
Which kinda defeats the purpose of writing >>31309 in the first place. It's not much of a false flag if you go back and sign your name on it.
Replies: >>31321 >>31325
uhhhh HHH 

the "did anyone read this poster" is you and not me
Replies: >>31323
The "did anyone read this poster" is the author of less than half and probably none of the posts/threads you've posted it under.
What's up with your filenames?
did anyone read this poster
Replies: >>31326
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Did anyone read this poster?
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