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The mother of all wars; witches vs  priests.

Choose your side wisely.
Replies: >>24530
witch hunts weren't done by priests, but by the peasant mob and/or civil authorities 

it was also for the most part a protestant thing, and basically didn't happen during the middle ages at all (contrary to popular historical perception of the practice), since the catholic church took a dim view very early on the very notion that witches exist in the first place and heavily discouraged the practice
Replies: >>24517
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play to win
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this, the medieval inquisition was founded to counter the various heretic movements in france like the cathars and hussites then centuries later the targets of the spanish inquisition, an office controlled by the crown rather than the church, was supposed crypto-jews and crypto-muslims among the conversos, those who had been forcibly converted to christianity after the reconquista
that said despite mainstream doctrine being that witches aren't really real and the church's attempts to end witch trials, belief in black magic was always more common in germany and witch hunting was popular to the point that Heinrich Kramer, the OG witchhunter, got acknowledgement from Innocent VIII of the existence of witches and explicit papal permission to prosecute them in germany after he was repeatedly denied authority by local clerics except it didnt really work so he retired and became a successful author
neway i choose priests cuz their bling is better and i can still traffic with demons if i want to i just have to say that jesus gave me permission like he did with solomon :^)
>i just have to say that jesus gave me permission like he did with solomon :^)
i like the way jews invoke demons to keep them busy with meaningless chores
what does this have to do with fucking children
>>24512 (OP) 
hey new guy, join my game or else
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