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eat the rich
Replies: >>15732
>>15730 (OP) 
i remember during the blm protests back in 2020, i didn't even recognize it as the people vs the cops, but the people vs the rich. the cops were just there to act as a buffer between the haves and the have nots, and it hurt seeing the abandonment of humanity and shared cultural roots at the cost of comfort and convenience. enforcing a tough stance against civil disobedience doesn't look like comfort or convenience to me, though, but i guess it's just the cost of doing business. all those real human beings, on either side of the riot shield, caught up in a calculated risk, like disposable pawns in a game of chess. in zugzwang, the only winning move is to not play at all.

i do think that there is yet hope, that through the adoption of radical ideas, to be differentiated from extremist ideas, in the sense that they challenge the status quo, we can take back the power we hold as individuals, and set an example for others to live through. ideas are not centralized, so live your truth as an individual and eventually, others will catch on and start doing the same. through this, we will achieve peaceful revolution, and not the type of tantrum revolution that only serves to gratify our most base instincts. 

none of those rich dudes are living their truth, especially when they all have these tragic ass backstories of being nerds and otherwise societal rejects, or giving up on their true hopes and dreams to pursue material gratification. just look at jeff bezos, owner of amazon. he used to be an aspiring astrophysicist, or some shit like that, studying long hard days in college, when in a moment of weakness, encountering a hard problem solved effortlessly by a colleague who had already persevered through the same struggle he was engaging with now. he gave up and started working on amazon. the world didn't need another ceo, it needed someone capable to solve it's complex problems, but now all of that potential is focused and driven towards enabling mindless consumerism and soul crushing warehouse work. it's really up to us to see what we want to see out of this world, to be the change we need to see, and it's never too late to see this happen. live your truth bros, i'll live mine, and hopefully we'll see eachother in the afterlife again, have a chuckle, and get ready to go back and do it all over again when we're needed.
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