Why do I feel like this place is a better representation of [s4s] than the actual current [s4s]? I can’t remember the last time I saw schizo spikeman/yosho/Yuji Sakai/beary ebil edits on there.
this image is fucking terrible kill yourself
this image is fucking wonderful praise yourself
how can something be a representation of itself things change anyway
>>14777 Lucky trips confirm >>14778 My ideal vision of [s4s] is dead and seeing posts from here brought back some memories
>>14775 i agree what up with those white lines? ree
i agree except see pic
Current s4s is better than doremiposter era s4s at least
>>14793 what? now you've lost me + my support i'm gone matty u'll notice me gone
>>14793 wait really?
mattressforce is a disgrace
>>14795 >>14796 >>14797 omg of course it was godawful who wants a totalitarian monoculture screw CTS and ripa too
>>14800 wats a ????totalitarian monoculture
>>14774 (OP) give me $200
>>14814 I’m not that against it honestly, I just need to find a job
>>14815 you're dumb
>>14815 ur entire paycheck oki?
>>14817 It’s…for my asceticism practice Idk I just don’t have a particularly strong attachment towards money and I’m willing to give away reasonable amounts of money to wish ($200 is reasonable to me, at least yearly) >>14818 $200 is the furthest I’ll go sorry
>>14819 i knew you were a simp but i didn't realize you were paypig levels of pathetic lol
>>14819 every 2 weeks?
>>14820 I have my reasons. I just get a rush out of seeing other people happy. >>14821 No… $200 for the whole year take it or leave it
>>14822 im gonna have a panic attack im having one rught now ill go to the hospital u need to vhange ur mind rn wtf im panic attack help
>>14823 Sorry maybe I’ll throw something small in along with the $200
>>14824 you should really give money to a charity or a homeless person or something rather than a known narcissistic psycho
>>14825 dont give homless people money they will buy drugs with this give them food and water. i sometimes sit down with them and eat with them
>>14825 I would not even think about doing this if I was in a better state of mind ^__^
being friends with wish is the most expensive subscription service in the world
>>14829 You will own nothing, not even the nail clippings of wush and you will be happy
>>14829 just take charge and tie wish up and keep her in ur basement, there no more maxed out credit cards, oh wait I forgot you'll wanna play dress up anyway, girls clothes are pretty expensive you know
>>14935 The punchline is furry porn
>>14936 lol i get it
>>14936 mexican pepper now
>>14940 lole i don't get it
>>14941 I want the namefig known as furfagmaster to post a photograph of his Mexican genitals.
shut up please
we are jerkers and gooners and we jerk and we stroke and we jerk and stroke that cock we are jerkers and gooners and we jerk and we stroke and we jerk and stroke that cock we are jerkers and gooners and we jerk and we stroke and we jerk and stroke that cock
sweaty chicano furfagmaster gooner chode
unemployed simp cock
>>14946 >>14947 why
>>14948 I want to taste it but I'll settle for just seeing it
>>14949 It’s of average length and girthier than average but still not like coke can girthy it’s nothing special
>>14950 Mine's of very slightly longer than average length (might be average for whites of my descent, actually) and I believe below average width. Dicks are kind of cringe but they aren't anywhere near as cringe as balls
wtf i love balls
>>14951 stfu tranny