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the urge to cum wont go away even after doing it 5 times in a row, only the dead can know peace from this evil
try anal
Replies: >>22748
bold of you to assume i dont
Replies: >>22749
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Try jerking off after the anal
I've often had this problem but 20 minutes of good anal followed by shooting goo 2-3 times always solved it for me
maybe you're doing the anal wrong
Replies: >>22750
probably, i think i need a dildo instead of a massager, i can never hit the right spot well enough or long enough to get the juices flowing
Replies: >>22751
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> i think i need a dildo instead of a massager
Only sort of small sized massager I've had any success with is doing a sort of curved thrusting with an aneros. Got a big prostate orgasm from that and it felt really repeatable but I didn't shoot skeed from it (though I wasn't backed up either) at the time.
I've got a >>22045 but it doesn't really work that well imo. Maybe if you're a fat old retard with a swollen prostate, but you're trying to press on a small ~vegetable hard divided ball with another sphere in a space which is squishy and flexible, like you're trying to crush a marble with another marble. Get real.
>a dildo
Dildos are definitely the way to go for actual assisted masturbation (not the gay kind).
If all you want is to enhance a penile orgasm your goal is basically to just press up into the prostate area. Usually using 1hand riding with it pitched forward, though I wouldn't suggest this specifically for your situation if my later reasoning is correct.
If you want to produce horny when there's little to none left you want a dildo with lots of texture and varied width (I imagine the classic standard "kebab of beads" anal massager from japanese cartoons or the humble anal beads work too but I don't have personal experience), driven by some sort of reliable thrusting. You can use a suction cup and a wall but I've had the most success with this with a thrusting machine. AFAIK the robust cheaper ones are identical in quality to the ones that are 5-10x their price and look the same. Unironically, smaller nonflared horsecock dildos are the best for this cos of medial rings and the tendency to have a widermost kind of ring around the bottom of the head.
>i can never hit the right spot well enough or long enough to get the juices flowing
Depends on what you mean. Strictly, as far as I'm aware, cumming is mediated just by smooth muscle contraction in your pen*s, so it's initiated purely mentally outside of the sympathetic action of stroking your dick (possibly through your ass). I've never gotten big violent across the room shots from pure anal, just kinda white dribbles.
>the urge to cum wont go away even after doing it 5 times in a row
Most of the time I've experienced this it's cos I've deathgrip wanked like 8 times or whatever and it's been long enough that some fluid recovered or it's a multiday affair or whatever and my going theory is that between the bruising and the weak shots, I end up with a kinda clogged and sore urethra. I think that the persistent kind painful need to get it out of you is actually coming from the urethra, at least for me. In those cases, you want to be facing navel towards earth (i.e. on your knees or whatever) when you cum so it's easier for it to evacuate. Merely trying to press from the prostate it out is obviously not going to clean the tube either. If you grab your dick at the base and pull/stroke hard out to the head after you cum it certainly helps get some of the rest of it out.
Do you get like a small amount of drips of piss?
>Do you get like a small amount of drips of piss?
specifically, not when masturbating, just in general when you're feeling like this or after going to the toilet while feeling like this
I get that when my dick is too beat up and think it's related
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