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If i don't get a gf in college i will take estrogen and try to turn myself gay.
the ol' become the gf trick
they look like @$$
Replies: >>12018
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ass is good
Replies: >>12020
this picture makes spermatozoa want to fly out the tip of my texturally-soft structurally-rigid bepor
estrogen does sometimes seem to increase androphilia, but it often takes years. after a few months I feel like it made me more attracted to femboys but not masculine men
Replies: >>12023
Is there a faster method?
Replies: >>12034
probably not. you could try to condition yourself on gay porn or something but I doubt that really works

you should really just be attracted to what you're attracted to rather than trying to indulge this meta-desire of wanting to want something

also some cis girls are into HRT femboys and trans girls. though a lot of them probably want to be penetrated with your girlboypenis
Replies: >>12035
But im a manlet so...
Replies: >>12037
maybe just take the estrogen now and see what happens then
Replies: >>12038 >>12039
Err I was thinking about if I didnt get a gf then I would download grindr and ask them to buy it for me. Idk if a woman would want a fixer-upper bf.
Replies: >>12041
if you want it you should just order it yourself
Replies: >>12042
I forgor to mention im poor ;-;
Replies: >>12043
sell feet pics to chasers on /lgbt/ and they'll buy it for you
Replies: >>12044
Replies: >>12046
give them out for free to protest your ban
you know what, im only saying this out of habit now, theres nothing i want to see less than half assed for profit ugly feet pics
Replies: >>12057 >>12073
femboys make me nauseous too, you all look like little turds in girl costumes, i want to drown you in a toilet
Replies: >>12050 >>12072
I want to drown you in a tub of diarrhea.
Replies: >>12051
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they just need *someone* to pay
>femboys make me nauseous too, you all look like little turds in girl costumes, i want to drown you in a toilet
this creature knows it has new competition now besides other putrid roasties like herself
Replies: >>12099
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You can have sock pics (too lazy to take them off)
Replies: >>12104
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it's all true
i could cum to this if i wanted if only to make a point but i loaned my balls to a higher power
Replies: >>12190
Just bought the books for classes.
Replies: >>12189
you aren't going to learn a thing and the girls will hate you
Replies: >>12225
>but i loaned my balls to a higher power
The Jews?
Replies: >>12193
no but i would let a rabbi make love to me
maybe the guys would like me?
First day of school!!!
Replies: >>12305
what are you studying
Replies: >>12312
engish an math
Replies: >>12313
that's...  a weird double major... when you say school you actually mean college right...?
Replies: >>12314
Well it's just first year stuff, I wanna do architecture or engineering I guess, I'll think about it along the way.
Replies: >>12315
oh, i guess things work differently in america, so you basically do whatever for an entire year? 
that seems kinda wasteful
Replies: >>12316
Yeah they double the length of your degree by making you take general education courses completely unrelated to your major, think humanities, history, math and English.
Why isnt grindr working on my phone!?
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