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S tier: Danbooru, 4chan
A tier: Pinterest, twitter, any other booru
B tier: Reddit
C tier: PXL_
D tier: unnamed, videoplayback, Snapchat, iphone
E tier: tumblr, FBIMG, Screenshot_-------,
F tier: maxresdefault (12).jpg, IMG_XXXX, hqdefault, images, image, download, latest, sample_
Replies: >>16397
what do people even use boorus for. I guess I don't get people who watch anime "in that way". I just watch a few things like a normalfig even though I'm very much not normal at all. I prefer adult themes instead of those cartoons aimed at middle school and high school girls or guys who want to look at middle school or high school girls with writing targeted towards people in that age range as well. that seems bizarre
i'm a fan of UUIDs myself
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boorus are imageboards with a different format not much of anything interesting in practice just used for "anime image piracy from pixiv with ascii tags" or whatever you want to call it

theres stuff like complexs idol section for nonanime images but the majority is
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if your asking about why all the meme seinen high school anime is popular thats because in both japan and the wect this is the primary anime consumer and you can say its "relatable" to them and or gives what they wish their wasted life was during that period

a site oriented at gathering and tagging "anime images" will funnel to whatever is the most popular unless its special case or has a weird builtin community
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To get images to avatarfag with on 4chan/discord obviously.
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>>16384 (OP) 
they're an archive site, too many japanese artists try to delete their whole existence out of nowhere and lots of images on there aren't even on pixiv or twitter anymore
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Plus pixiv is a pain in the ass to navigate in general.

simple explanation but garbage since alot of major boorus are always close to deleting shit

the one im using pulls from a fuckton of sources and doesnt follow dcma requests but i wont name it here and honestly it has a hidden review version you cant access with 10x the content where it gets filtered and censored like those other boorus

i still end up having to use pixiv with some weird proxy shit since its literally unusable otherwise
SSS tier:
-trick filename, wagick used to do weird stuff in the filenames, like reversing them, making them say something different when you hovered over them, making them so long that they took up the entire page
-blank filename, wagick and I used to do this a lot
-emoji filename (vlad excluded)
-actually naming each of your files, even if it's autistically like the jashin dork
Replies: >>16412
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Emoji filenames are vlad-tier by default but I agree with the rest.

Also special ULTRA hell tier: Windows Phone filenames
Replies: >>16414
vlad just copied the original people who posted with emojis, like tragick

it's fucking insane that they were using windows phones in 2017, that's so cool
Replies: >>16415
I had a windows phone around that time too, that's why it sticks out in my memory
I used to cringe at that filename every time
>too many japanese artists try to delete their whole existence out of nowhere
why are so many japanese people inclined towards digital or physical suicide
Replies: >>16441
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iPhone filenames are alright
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Possibly the worst filename I have ever come across in my time on the chon
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