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soldiers do what they are told
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Link some actual good music pls. this guy’s music is really good idk him though
Replies: >>16888
stfu you fucking ugly neckbeard attention whore loser, your music SUCKS SHIT
Replies: >>16890
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Ew you guys have terrible taste on this site so I take it as a compliment being called ugly here
You think Glass-Eye Gado is “handsome” WTF
Replies: >>16891
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i dont even care to listen to your retard babble, you are a fucking embarrassment and lack class
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im not ugly
Replies: >>16993
gay slobs will put in zero effort and call themselves "bears"
Replies: >>16988
Let's see your picture Magick
Replies: >>16991
inb4 "I'm not dumb enough to post my photo on an imageboard I have a le reputation to uphold" or something along those lines
same fucking conversation every time I don't know why I bother
Replies: >>16992 >>16993
lmao you're so hopeless and in love with me
well you're a wastedoid what do you want me to do, get myself killed
>same fucking conversation every time I don't know why I bother
Woh it's almost like he has a point and you can't present any kind of counterargument since you're both a) wrong and b) retarded
Not only are you fat and ugly but you literally look like a retard too. Wtf is that expression lole
Some kinda jersey shore reject without the physique or confidence, just a dumb vacuous wannabe without even the glitz of a real poser.
It's amazing how you keep giving me exactly what I want
You should have figured out by now I'm a masochist and am posting my pics in order to be humiliated/insulted. If they just got ignored I would never post them but you consistently write essays about them lol.
yeah I mean he could post his birth certificate and his manager at tesco wouldn't care or anything
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Also any argument based on physical appearance without physical evidence to back it up is completely null and void either way, whether I have a "counterargument" or not. Besides, my counterargument is that he doesn't want his face associated with his posts because they're often pedophilic in nature. I don't have to worry about that personally.
Keep seething and writing your little essays you impotent little man.
Matt is not that dumb, he's avoiding magick for purposes of self preservation
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>”Woah, it’s almost like he has a point!
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