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Replies: >>40453
so fucking dull
>>40451 (OP) 
if you finance my HRT i will have sex with you
Replies: >>40458
>finance my HRT
How broke are you? My HRT costs $18 every three months.
Replies: >>40491
i have exactly ZERO dollars
the only money i have is cash that i stole from my mom and i spend all that on therapy
thats how broke i am
Get a job and work for just one week. You'll make enough money to pay for HRT for a whole year. Then quit and apply for neet bucks.
My first job was gas station cashier. They will literally hire anyone for night shift because most people quit after a week. Just lie on your job application and say you worked at random places. You just need to work till you get your first pay check and use that for HRT and apply for neet bucks.
Planned Parenthood will get you on HRT without needing a therapist. Just have some health insurance to pay for the doctor visit and the HRT will be around $18 every three months. You can also ask them which health insurances cover the costs of the doctor visit.
is therapy actually helping?
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thats just prostitution with extra steps...
Replies: >>40502
you provide value to society and you get to reap it's benefits, like girl hormones lole
Replies: >>40504
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i would feel bad about it tbh desu...
Replies: >>40505
how do you even afford food or a phone or an Internet connection if you don't even have $18
what do you expect to do even if you do score hrt, changing your whole wardrobe is expensive and so is skincare and makeup
Replies: >>40506 >>40516
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i can afford it im just contemplating if is should get it to you for free or not at all...
Replies: >>40508
maybe you should try crossdressing and skincare first before committing to this thing which will likely give you reverse dysphoria anyway
Replies: >>40511
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i meant giving the moneys to you for free...
Replies: >>40512
Replies: >>40513
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yes but first i need to buy someone the christumas present i promised him but then emntal hospital got between that and now im a bit broke until next month lole
i spend all my money on therapy <--- (broke and not getting any better)
Replies: >>40515
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im gonna sell uhh these
and then it will le be okay c:
>changing your whole wardrobe is expensive and so is skincare and makeup

Skin care: Use lotion and learn to exfoliate

Wardrobe: Just have one or two sets of crossdressing outfits to start off with. Thrift shops have cheap women's clothes.

Makeup: Just eyeliner and nail polish will get you by. Fake eyelashes help too.

Buying all this stuff should cost around $30 to $40 dollars.
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