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getting bred (like a girl) until you cum, and then until you dry orgasm, and then until you loss bladder control and start squirting (like a girl) is so nice
a must try for boys
Replies: >>31736
Piss pants Magick.
I don't think any real person could keep up thrusting fast enough to trigger wave after waves of dry orgasms through anal, I only managed like two at once and that was with my hand thrusting a dildo really fast I got a hand cramp afterwards, I think you need a dildo thrusting machine to go that far
get a black guy with a 30cm dick
Replies: >>30635
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Seems like the kind of physical skill you could get a lot better at if you actually trained for it. It's not hard to imagine there might be professional peggers of some variety who can keep at it for a lot longer than normal, I mean, intermediate length endurance running seems almost impossible until you actually start to do it.
Plus you could just have the girls tag out and swap over. Just because no real person can do something doesn't mean a team of people couldn't.
>I think you need a dildo thrusting machine to go that far
You're not supposed to run them for more than ~30 minutes depending on the speed, at least any model I've ever seen. You'd need multiple or some sort of custom one.
They're pretty finnicky and not that great for finishing just by themselves though imo. When a dildo is in your hand you can control the angle at every moment so you can push into what you want but a machine is restricted to more fixed angles. You would need some kind of harness and tablevice system to suspend yourself relative to it if you wanted to really work something specifically also because there's a lot of float. They're pretty lightweight.
Dicks are weak and black ones especially so
Replies: >>30636 >>30648
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yea ur stupid
cumming is half a mental health thing a machine is nothing, you're going to squirt your dead spermies out when a real man (black) with a real cock (bbc) turns you into a girl
Replies: >>30639
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Animals are notorious quickshots though retard
>cumming is half a mental health thing
And yet you're trying to sell the shittiest fetish possible with the most cringe fucking milieu.
Get better content
Mom, magick is talking about black penises again
whatever you're all virgins
Replies: >>30644 >>30648
You're sexually attracted to black people.
Replies: >>30645
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I'm literally not
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Getting bread (like a girl)
Replies: >>30649
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So I had a fairly relevatory experience on a thrusting machine just now. Raw data:
Had jerked off twice in the last 12hrs (maybe three times?), was nursing a pretty weak edged strangle wank going in.
>By the numbers
Counting only active time where the dildo was in and the machine was thrusting, not less than
-Came while jerking it and getting railed within two minutes, then got up to a total of 6:57 on the clock getting buttseck'd after that with a fairly short breather. Had two climaxes, first weak and the later quite strong which got me to readjust things. 6:57 was (less than) total time machine was active, not counting time spent reapplying lube or the short breather. After second anal climax
-more than 10:45 just thrusting with a lubed up dildo, no jerking it, no breaks. At least two anal climaxes, plus a quite sudden and unexpected orgasm that made me sperm. I guess this was my prostate getting worked? Coming out of this was something like a climax building to an orgasm but which didn't hit it until
-After relubing, an indeterminate but short amount of time getting railed to orgasm followed by quite a long stranglewank while getting railed. Came again at the end.
-Whole sequence start to finish including breaks was 40 minutes to the minute
During the middle section I really broke a sweat. A real one, real meaningful wetness on my clothes and hair. Not a bad feeling; not a cold sweat. From exertion? I have had sweat break out in the few times I've had really truly good wanks but those were all under the influence of a fever (illness), so I wouldn't really have made a connection to arousal or anything. "[I just love how] boys sweat when they're being pounded ♡" indeed.
Really thought of picrel a lot while it was happening.
I've made attempts at this sort of thing before, but I've always either chickened out after the first orgasm and turned it into two seperate sessions (these have still be my heretofore best anal experiences, I think) or something went wrong (e.g. cleaning issues). I've found only a very light enema to shift what's sitting and then working it with lubed dildos in the shower is doing a much better job not leading to cleaning complications and it seems to last surprisingly long/not induce problems in the short term following.
Both hand crank cummies were hand assisted to the buildup but then hands free from before the point of no return.
>I don't think any real person could keep up thrusting fast enough to trigger wave after waves of dry orgasms through anal, I only managed like two at once and that was with my hand thrusting a dildo really fast I got a hand cramp afterwards
The machine wasn't really that fast. I feel like it did get easier, I did get more sensitive after I'd come a few times (with my ass). That being said, I think you unironically might need a bigger (and/or more ergonomic) dildo. Having a wide head to scrape your prostate on both infil/exfiltration is already twice the effect of a thin round shapeless dildo that only presses against it when angled towards it on the insertion, and that's not considering the other parts you can feel a bit deeper in your ass or texture work or the shape of the shaft to have a presence on your exterior rings. But, you can definitely get away with a slower pace and just shorter periods of fast work with a more sort of maintenance level thrusting for the meat of it.
>I don't think any real person could keep up thrusting fast enough
If you give me a fortnight to build back up to it I'd have been able to keep up this hip thrust speed (I mean I sort of was, halfway, pushing back into it or moving with it) for 2-3x as long as I spent, comparing it to the kinds of work I did in wrestling.
And you're, what, jealous?
Replies: >>31732
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ripped magicknets
did anyone read this?
>>30628 (OP) 
mahagoni admin when
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