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ITT: we reminisce on the [s4s] of yesteryear and the lewd nsmefigs that have left us.

>cuteposter gets sexually accosted by catfish

>mfw I see a cock being slapped against my face

>phos erps with a lainfag cutter and he becomes his crossdressing dog!

>neppy absorber absorbs neppy's delicious strawberry milk body

>W-Welcome t-to t-therapy t-tea w-with C-CTS 3-3D ;_;
Replies: >>5463
mildly gay and extremely retarded
wow s4s used to be so much funner...
>>5460 (OP) 
Oops I linked halfway through the threads, sorry about that, just delete the #anchor tags.
Replies: >>5464
now we know what your favourite posts are
Replies: >>5465
Why did munch had to nuke everything?
Replies: >>5468
Never underestimate the autism and sustained psychosis of a 4chan moderator, he probably got treated badly by one of the femboy namefigs over discord and then vowed to destroy their presence on [s4s].
Or maybe it's a tranny mod who's insatiably jealous of them and knows they can never look like that so they go full scorched earth because he hates femboys.

I'm willing to believe it's the latter, remember how /qa/ was killed after they spammed /LGBT/ with trannyjak for 6 hours?
Replies: >>5538 >>14297
It wasn't just 6 hours, it was days and days. And they kept at it intermittently for months. And a few them still do it every day. They gave /a/ and a few other boards a similar treatment in the past, too. Fuck /qa/
Replies: >>11999
if i recall, the final straw was one big raid that bumped off every single thread so the entire /lgbt/ catalog was solely soyjaks. i think they locked /qa/ later that day
this IS the gayest thing ever
i didnt know i was a 4cuck moderator wtf jesse
i think i'm officially over trannies and feminine boys
They were the best of times. 
They were the blurst of times.
Replies: >>15332
why is everyone on s4s so gay. is it turning them gay or did they start that way
stupid monkey
Replies: >>15354
White supremacist Magick is finally showing his true colors.
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