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Went to a gay bar for valentine's day and only saw middle aged gay men and two married gay couples. I felt so cringe drinking my fireball alone and watching the TV screen. Turns out everyone younger than 40 fucked on Grindr today. I felt like a such a boomer and smoked a pom pom to cope with how badly I messed up today.
Replies: >>40631
good for you, you avoided a pointless sexual fling
>>40629 (OP) 
Did you talk to anyone there? At least the bartender?
Replies: >>40632
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The gay boomers only complained about Trump and Elon Musk. Bartender was friendly but married to a gay man and also hated Trump. The TV had music videos playing and everyone else was playing at the pool table. The topic of trans rights came up and I gave my opinion but they just shifted the topic when they realized I didn't hate Trump.
Replies: >>40668 >>40669
Lole. The lefties are what keep me from going to establishments in the lgbtq+ part of town. That city is like Little San Francisco. I love cruising through there, but don't actually want to interact with anybody.
trump's a complete retard though
Replies: >>40709
These gay boomers unironically thought Trump was a fascist and nazi. They thought the news should have a daily 30 minute segment about lgbt issues and Elon Musk was a white nationalist. I don't even like Trump because he might make it harder for teens to get hrt but even I admit he isn't Hitler 2 Electric Boogaloo. He's just a boomer retard that falls for /pol/ tier memes on Facebook.
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