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hai this is my steam deck
You should install linux on your pc too so you can rice it as well
Replies: >>30281
i domt want to become a linux user
Replies: >>30282
Uhhh you aleady are one steamdeck runs SteamOS which is a linux distribution
Replies: >>30283
but i dont want to replace my pc with linux
are u by any chance arch linux usere
Replies: >>30289
Yes but you can start out with something easy like ubuntu don't you want to have pink file explorer windows
Replies: >>30291 >>30335
LOL ARCH LINUX USER HAH Omggg dont talk to me ew >_< Hissss
genuinely don't get the appeal of arch
to get anything niche working you're going to compile it anyway just use portage from the start
Replies: >>30335
windows users like to play games and playing them on vanilla Linux through wine, DXVK, and adding random winetricks dependencies until shit starts working is really fiddly and time wasting, almost as much as the video games ur playing lmao

It feels nice not having to dual boot just to play games tho.
Replies: >>30336
that was the case before proton, but nowadays for the vast majority of games shit just works out of the box with zero fiddling involved, sometimes with even better performance than on windows funnily enough
Replies: >>30337
Where do you even install that, I'm using wine-stable, and a separate wine prefix for every game, no need for containerized voodoo, I just install the prerequisite stuff like MSVC with winetricks.
Replies: >>30339
proton is used by steam, but pretty sure you can it run independently,  don't think there's much sense if you already have regular wine setup since proton is just a fork of it focusing specifically on games

i was just making a point that it requires zero set up and everything works out of the box quite well
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jschan 0.11.4