I'm gonna live my life a d m you're gonna stay here like a fucking street dog I'm free but you're going to cower in your hole until you die you stupid fucking pig
>>36177 (OP) You say all this yet you've decided to spend years of your life here consistently
I want to liveeee
You haven't truly lived until you've ridden on a Honda™ Super Cub™.
I did dxm when I posted this thread and almost forgot
>>36230 What's it like? Does it make faps or sex better or how do you enjoy dxm?
>>36230 do you remember what you were thinking about at the time?
>>36231 depends on the dose but it makes you feel dizzy and messes up with your vision, it kinds of just disables you and leaves you lying on your back for a while having weird thoughts
>>36232 yes, I had forgotten that I was on dxm when I posted it