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How does sluts4sale like pubic hair?
woke up this morning wanting to shave it off but i wanted to hear if u sluts had a preference for shaving it short or cutting it a certain way to be more cute
Replies: >>16707
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some people like clean shaven and some people like overgrown forests,  
if you dont want it all gone but you want it to be cuter you could shave it all off except for a little heart shaped patch, i did that before and it looked pretty lewd in panties
heart shaped pubes is some grandma shit
Replies: >>16682
dude gay sex lmao
imo opinion puge hair is nicer on girls
im not that gay if that matters
Replies: >>16706
you are grandma shit
shaved is good for sxe, but there is something very arousing about casual nudes with a bush covering their muff
femboys should be shaved though. I'd pay for my live-in femboy maid to get laser hair removal treatment
>>16638 (OP) 
Clean shave everywhere is the cutest
Replies: >>16712
looking like a ken doll isn’t cute on most people
Replies: >>16717 >>16737
Does that also include not having anything down there or just being clean shaven is gross?
theres a reason why anime characters or just animated characters in general dont have an inch of hair on them besides whats on their heads
but it really comes down to personal preference in the end ig
on girls: keep it

on boys: shave it
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