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I thought the subject of this thread said angel necromancy but I imagined it
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omg angel psychosis thread
Replies: >>38915
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>The Descent of Inanna into the Underworld (or, in its Akkadian version, Descent of Ishtar into the Underworld) or Angalta ("From the Great Sky") is a Sumerian myth that narrates the descent of the goddess Inanna (Ishtar in Akkadian) into the Underworld to overthrow its ruler, her sister Ereshkigal, the "Queen of the Dead."
>In Mesopotamian mythology, Ereshkigal (Sumerian: 𒀭𒊩𒌆𒆠𒃲 [DEREŠ.KI.GAL]), lit. "Queen of the Great Earth")[1][2][a] was the goddess of Kur, the land of the dead or underworld in Sumerian mythology. In later myths, she was said to rule Irkalla alongside her husband Nergal. Sometimes her name is given as Irkalla, similar to the way the name Hades was used in Greek mythology for both the underworld and its ruler, and sometimes it is given as Ninkigal, lit. "Lady of the Great Earth”.
>"Lady of the Great Earth”.
>Pioneer study of the need for an inner female authority in a masculine-oriented society. Interprets the journey into the underworld of Inanna-Ishtar, Goddess of Heaven and Earth, to see Ereshkigal, her dark sister. So must modern women descend into the depths of themselves. Rich in insights.
Replies: >>38916
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>Maybe they’d fallen on him a different way. For at some point he had vowed — to himself, not with his mouth — that he would not die on his knees, and somehow he had found himself here, breaking a trail through thigh-high grasses and struggling to repeat that vow against the part of himself that was quite firmly insisting it would rather not die at all. And if he was going to satisfy both he needed, rather bluntly, a miracle.
>He was all of them, everything that moved and breathed, sugar and protein, growth and decay, a cycle never-ending and a network of a million branches, flicking from species to species and life to life with an ease like breathing, and he knew all their secret places, the flickers in their brains. The behaviours that spun from that, the claw for continuity, seconds and resources and just keeping existing, until he struggled to his feet under a sunrise that burned the sky red as iron and - [....]
>[....] Waters inside, waters outside. There is an ocean within your blood, everything you have ever been is a part of you. You are life, your heritage is life. Fight for it.
Replies: >>38917
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>Merkabah mysticism is often thought to have originated from the Hebrew word Merkavah, which translates to “chariot”
>When these images were combined with an actual mystical experiential motif of individual ascent (paradoxically called "descent" in most texts, Yordei Merkabah, "descenders of the chariot", perhaps describing inward contemplation) and union is not precisely known. By inference, contemporary historians of Jewish mysticism usually date this development to the third century CE.
>The connection between Ishtar/Inanna and lions (poetically labbu) is well documented, and she is said to ride in a chariot drawn either by these animals or their fantastical counterparts in various literary compositions.[148] It is presumed that they served as a metaphor of her character as a strong and courageous warrior
>Inanna[a] is the ancient Mesopotamian goddess of love, war, and fertility.
>According to Abraham Schoener: "War is the central principle in Heraclitus' thought."[68] Another of Heraclitus's famous sayings highlights the idea that the unity of opposites is also a conflict of opposites: "War is father of all and king of all; and some he manifested as gods, some as men; some he made slaves, some free";[bc] war is a creative tension that brings things into existence.[66][69] Heraclitus says further "Gods and men honour those slain in war";[bd] "Greater deaths gain greater portions";[be] and "Every beast is tended by blows."[bf]
Replies: >>38919
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>20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
>21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
>Hasidic thought explains Kabbalah in terms of human psychology. Through this, the merkabah is a multi-layered analogy that offers insight into the nature of man, the ecosystem, the world, and teaches self-refinement.
>This very lesson carries over to explain how the four basic groups of animals and the four basic archetypal philosophies and personalities reveal a higher, Godly source when one is able to read between the lines and see how these opposing forces can and do interact in harmony. A person should strive to be like a Merkaba, that is to say, he should realize all the different qualities, talents and inclinations he has (his angels). They may seem to contradict, but when one directs his life to a higher goal such as doing God's will he (the man on the chair driving the chariot) will see how they all can work together and even complement each other. Ultimately, we should strive to realize how all of the forces in the world, though they may seem to conflict, can unite when one knows how to use them all to fulfill a higher purpose; namely to serve God.
>Roux believed the organism to be the site of a ‘struggle of parts’: a struggle of cells in a tissue, a struggle of tissues in an organ, a struggle of organs in an organism. He reasoned that, because no two cells were ever completely alike, their slightly different ways of maintaining their existence and ensuring their purposivity had to result in a constant interplay. If this struggle among a certain number of cells balanced out, they would create a new purposive structure and form a tissue.
>Guan is associated with deep listening and energetic sensitivity.[285] The term most often refers to "inner observation" (neiguan), a practice that developed through Buddhist influence (see: Vipaśyanā).[272] Neiguan entails developing introspection of one's body and mind, which includes being aware of the various parts of the body as well as the various deities residing in the body.[279]
Replies: >>38920
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Waters inside waters outside
>The Bogomils were dualists or Gnostics in that they believed in a world within the body and a world outside the body. They did not use the Christian cross, nor build churches, as they revered their gifted form and considered their body to be the temple. This gave rise to many forms of practice to cleanse oneself through fasting or dancing.
>As such, the Zoroastrian religion combines a dualistic cosmology of good and evil with an eschatological outlook predicting the ultimate triumph of Ahura Mazda over evil.[1]
>Zurvanism is a fatalistic religious movement of Zoroastrianism[1] in which the divinity Zurvan is a first principle (primordial creator deity) who engendered equal-but-opposite twins, Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu. Zurvanism is also known as "Zurvanite Zoroastrianism", and may be contrasted with Mazdaism.
>...for god all things are fair and good and just, but men suppose that some are unjust and others just.
The kingdom of G-d...
>…and Ion stood amidst the smouldering ruin that was the gateway to the city of Kythera. Once more in the guise of a man, humbled before the ravages wrought in His name. He looked about Him and saw the suffering of those He once wished freed and realized that it was by His hand that their great works had been laid low.
>He looked upon them and wept.
Replies: >>38921
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>When using the term Draconian Magic the focus is on the utilization of the draconian force. The Draconian force is seen as twofold, consisting of the “inner dragon and the “outer dragon”. The Inner Dragon is identified as the innate life-force in man, the Kundalini, to borrow the terminology of Hindu Tantrism – as is frequently done in Dragon Rouge. The Outer Dragon is the overall universal life-force or energy immanent in every aspect of nature, linking everything together. An alternative term to outer dragon employed in Dragon Rouge is Vril, a term used by occultists such as H. P. Blavatsky and Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton (Blavatsky 1895: 651; Bulwer-Lytton 1886). The inner and outer dragons are linked, so that each is an aspect of the other, neither of them existing in isolation from the other
>The great dragon of chaos—the uroboros, the selfdevouring serpent—might be conceptualized as pure (latent) information, before it is parsed into the world of the familiar, the unfamiliar, and the experiencing subject
>The bivalent Great Mother (second and third characters) is creation and destruction, simultaneously—the source of all new things, the benevolent bearer and lover of the hero; the destructive forces of the unknown, the source of fear itself, constantly conspiring to destroy life
>Crowley’s goal was to become one with god as the manifest, or Kether. Grant’s was to explore the non-manifest and as such, aimed for Da’ath. Da’ath is often spoken of but rarely elucidated upon. The clearest explanation I’ve found has been written by Jake Stratton Kent in his Liber 187: The Serpent Tongue. Referred to as the 11th Sephira (the number of Nuit) and called a false Sephira, Da’ath is named “Knowledge”, and it sits above the abyss like the apex of a pyramid, whose base is the Supernal Triad. Da’ath refers to the seemingly automatic process of assigning language to form. In other words, when a human sees an object they will automatically call it something, even if that literally is “something”. Grant wanted to get to the place that no language could describe, the place which is described in Liber CDXVIII during the call of the XIth Aethyr, wherein the angel states:
>“Behold! It entereth not into the heart, nor into the mind of man, to conceive this matter; for the sickness of the body is death, & the sickness of the heart is despair, & the sickness of the mind is madness. But in the outermost Abyss is sickness of the aspiration, & sickness of the will, & sickness of the essence of all, & there is neither word nor thought wherein the image is reflected. And whoso passeth into the outermost Abyss, except he be of them that understand, holdeth out his hands, & boweth his neck, unto the chains of Choronzon. And as a devil he walketh about the earth, immortal, & he blasteth the flowers of the earth, & he maketh poisonous the water; & the fire that is the friend of man, & the pledge of his aspiration, seeing that it mounteth ever upward as a Pyramid, & seeing that man stole it in a hollow tube from Heaven, even that fire he turneth into ruin, & madness, & fever, & destruction. And thou, that art an heap of dry dust in the City of Pyramids, must understand these things. And now a thing happens, which is unfortunately sheer nonsense, for the Aethyr that is the foundation of the universe was attacked by the Outermost Abyss, and the only way that I can express it, is by saying the universe was shaken. But the universe was not shaken. And that is the exact truth; so that the rational mind which is interpreting these spiritual things is offended; but being trained to obey, it setteth down that which it doth not understand. For the rational mind indeed reasoneth, but never attaineth unto Understanding; but the Seer is of them that understand.”
>Feminine symbolism is fundamental in all forms of spirituality defined as Left Hand Path. The Vama Marga, the ‘perverse path’ or ‘unfriendly way’ (Gupta 1981: 195), school of Tantrism is in some legends said to have been instigated by a low-caste woman, something quite unusual in the Indian male-dominated spiritual milieu
>"What inspires respect for woman, and often enough even fear, is her nature, which is more “natural” than man's, the genuine, cunning suppleness of a beast of prey, the tiger's claw under the glove, the naiveté of her egoism, her uneducatability and inner wildness, the incomprehensibility, scope, and movement of her desires and virtues." (Beyond Good and Evil, section 239.)
Replies: >>38923
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>All these primordial beasts have the function of existing before order was brought into the universe, in fact, before the universe as we know it was created at all. They all represent chaos and, in the view of Dragon Rouge, immense power and potential one can tap into. The fact that the primordial dragons have been so feared is thought to be the doing of “life-denying religions” focused on an afterlife in another world, as well as of the sheer power and potential attributed to the draconian force
>The Hebrew term śāṭān (Hebrew: שָׂטָן) is a generic noun meaning "accuser" or "adversary",[8][9] and is derived from a verb meaning primarily "to obstruct, oppose"
>That is what Hegel means when stating that selfconsciousness is at first nothing more than the return from otherness (die Rückkehr aus dem Anderssein). The self is defined, negatively, by what it is not – and in doing so, returns to the object that it must, once again, overcome.
>Self-Consciousness posits itself through negation of otherness and is practical consciousness. If, therefore, in the real consciousness, which also is called the theoretical, the determinations of the same and of the object changed or varied of themselves, now it happens that this change occurs through the activity of the Consciousness itself and for it. It is conscious that this cancelling activity belongs to it. In the comprehension of self-consciousness the not-yet-realised distinction lies as a characteristic. In so far as this distinction makes its appearance, there arises a feeling of otherness (dependence on others) in consciousness - a feeling of negation in itself, or the feeling of deficiency, a want.
>Once mechanism’s abstractions of unity and numerical quantity are eliminated, Nietzsche holds, ‘no things remain but only dynamic quanta, in a relation of tension to all other dynamic quanta; their essence lies in their relation to all other quanta, in their “effect” upon the same’. But if the connection between difference in quantity and the feeling of quality is accepted, then the will to power must be acknowledged, simply because ‘mere variations of power could not feel themselves to be such: there must be present something that wants to grow and interprets the value of whatever else wants to grow’. This makes the will to power ‘not a being, not a becoming, but a pathos – the most elemental fact from which a becoming and effecting first emerge’.
>Schertel identifies heavily with the "demonic" in Magic, espousing the belief that "communion with the demon" is the most important aspect of magical/religious practice. In addition to this, Schertel also identified the following elements of magic:
>[...] Body-feeling. The performer is required to develop a kind of "body feeling" through "body exercises". However, here Schertel is not referring to common muscle-building or physical training nowadays. The two forms of exercises that he recommends are "senual" and "articular". "The sensual practices stand for a passive listening-into the body and are therefore preferably happening out of a state of relaxation, the articular practices on the other hand represent a violent, almost mechanical pushing and bending of individual joints or of the whole body... These practices are supported by certain breathing methods."[1] He also points out that to increase body feeling, many magicians often perform with loose clothes or even naked.
>All mastery is based on acquirement, absorption, compression, control, and design by way of subjugating the alien being to a new form-law, imbibing it to ones own world, just like the body assimilates food. All fight for power is therefore a fight of hostile structures. Form is not dead, superficial, or unsubstantial, but the carrier of force, a mystical something that manifests itself in the proper sense of the image-laws
>Furthermore, Deleuze draws on Gilbert Simondon and their notion of individuation in order to aid his conception of the correlation between intensity and individuation: Simondon claims that individuation possesses a prior metastable state where there are two disparate heterogeneous realities where potentials are distributed; furthermore, according to Deleuze, individuation arrives as the actualization of a potential (virtual) that brings communication to the disparate fields; it is in this respect that Deleuze claims that individuation is an intensive movement, while the pre-individual field is a differentiated virtual field of Ideas (246).
Striation of constellation of universes... Kingdoms within. Spirits. Is satan only individuality of spirit? To see the emptiness in all things, to see satan at play in all "things"...
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me too tbh
Replies: >>38925
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take notes on evrything i pasted here. its all crucial for phase 2 after i finish attaining satori. i was in the middle of posting othr stuff relating to o9as notes on symbol and being... the points about dwelling, letting be, and dissolution of individuality as pertaining to the acausal is interesting but i think it ultimately departs from satanism. to hold that tension between christ and lucifer. the white and black flame... both must be nurtured and taken with us down to the underworld... rlly important stuff anyways back to grading
Replies: >>38926
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im nurturing my little pale white flame to black flames right now hm hm yies very true and real hoenstyl i agree witnh this statement
Replies: >>38927
no wait thats too hot??? oww wtf hoses you

anyways thx for the agreement. glad we are on the same page
Replies: >>38928
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oh noo im gonna go supercriticalll u better use ur control rod until alll that heatt is dissipated huh hhhh whtff no wayyy whaa
Replies: >>38929
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wtf stop omg. you cant just explode in public. we are all going to get caught in the blast...
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bang bang bang
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something is telling me that i think i need to call down astaroth to help consolidate the knowledges ive posted. brb charging sigils
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