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i want to die
Replies: >>15203 >>15204
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>>15202 (OP) 
Get some exercise and take your meds, maybe take up some hobbies that you like. Combat the horror of existence by consistently working towards some achievable goal, stagnating and rotting is not conducive to a healthy state of mind.
Replies: >>15210
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>>15202 (OP) 
The sequel no one asked for
Replies: >>15207 >>15218
I will never be happy again
it is not your fault 
it is mine (Anahedonia)
you should have mastered at least one new hobby by the end of the year
invest in shitcoin
hit the gym
and talk to a woman
Replies: >>15209
>you should have mastered at least one new hobby by the end of the year
what thew point when you have no fun doing things anymore
>invest in shitcoin
no thank you i have a building saving contract
>hit the gym
not going to happen
>talk to a woman 
not going to happen
Clean your room and slay the bloody dragon of chaos, bloody well slay that thing.
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so sweet
you're not actually depressed schizophrenia and antipsychotics just routinely disrupt and/or reduce dopamine function so much that you lose the ability to feel pleasure, excitement, interest, or reward. it's purely dopaminergic, not intrinsic. you can temporarily abate the symptoms by, for example, smoking methamphetamine, but this will of course exacerbate the schizophrenia symptoms
Replies: >>15221 >>15222
yea not going to happen
i would rather microdose on shrooms or LSD but that is not going to happen either
Replies: >>15223
So glad I have authentic bona fide depression and not dopaminergic depression.
move to canada, shrooms are legal and you will get to be my live-in boyslave
Replies: >>15224
I will think about it 
but always remember
bigger dick tops
Replies: >>15225
we don't need to have poopsex
Replies: >>15227
what do i need to do?
wear a maid outfit?
Replies: >>15229
i don't feel good enough to be horny right now
Replies: >>15231
what would be my daily tasks?
Replies: >>15233
shut up
Replies: >>15234 >>15237
I have the feeling that you would beat me which would be very hot on one side but very bad on another side
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okay this maybe sounds retarded but hear me out
you seem to really enjoy altruism, so i ask: why dont you just get enough money and make a foundation for the mentlelly lel? you can help ppl who are just like you, and you can get a lot of attention, everyone wins
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im too retarded c:
does Canada look like this or is it just a meme 
i want to get lost in the woods
Replies: >>15238 >>15245
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you dont have to be a genius for this, you only need money and supporters (which you will get if you have money)
helping others can help you, and everybody loves charity, they would love you
Replies: >>15240
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we are all just like him though
birds of a feather flock together
Replies: >>15246
I have a building savings contract that will soon be ready for allocation. actually, it is meant for me to buy a house or an apartment, but the bank doesn't know that...
is 30k enough to start something like this i know it is not much...
I can also just wait until my parents and my grandparents die and then I get two houses that I can sell... but i hope they will live for a littlel longer
Replies: >>15246
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Replies: >>15243 >>15244
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i knew someone at my old school who had this anime girl as a waifu he had a dakimakura and everything from her
Replies: >>15248
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it looks like this
Replies: >>15247
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i would unironically work with him lole, i will start learning psychology in september 

there isnt too much or not too much for this, like i said, you will get supporters, even from the government, you only need a starting money and get some professionals (therapists, psychologists, nurses, anybody who works with mentlely lel ppl)
first step is to make a goal: who are you helping and why, how do you help, where, etc
and it can be called "very nice help for the mentlely lel"
Replies: >>15247
no one looks like an anime griller
i don't think i'm capable of doing something like this, not in my condition. i can't even get the rubbish out of my flat or do the laundry...
Replies: >>15250
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well she is autistic (german) so that's understandable
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but your condition will never going to get better if you dont work on it
you need motivation, and you only get motivation if you have goals, its just an idea that can maybe help you
Replies: >>15251
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i don't know, i am a lost cause
that is deeply anchored in my brain from childhood on 
it is better if you do not waste time with me and I don't want you to get into trouble or anything like that because of me.
Replies: >>15254
we should have a meetup where most of us have sex and the rest watch
Replies: >>15256
like i said, i will going to be a psychologist, my dream job is helping ppl like you, its not a waste of time or trouble for me
how about art? like music or drawing?
Replies: >>15257 >>15260
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This would probably help a lot of us
i have something (at least i have convinced myself of it, from my own experience) like a mental block or something....
that i always start things and then stop them after about 10 days because i don't enjoy them anymore or i don't get any results (like after such a short time it takes a lot of practice to get results i would be happy with myself i know that) 
but I secretly hope that there is something in this universe that I am naturally good at so that I can overcome this blockage.
But that will not happen 
maybe it is this
maybe i have just been thinking about all these things for too long and made my mind think that.
Replies: >>15261
maybe it's also the fear of being judged idk
Replies: >>15261
what's the lowest effort way to get institutionalized
Replies: >>15262 >>15265
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everybody experiences blocks like these, its natural, because in the first time its new and exciting, but when you learn to it, it becomes simply "normal". Two ways to avoid it (without drugs): first, if you really love it, you will eventually overcome the block with a simple break. Secondly, make it interesting again, try new stuff, new ways to do it, etc, but it really depends on the topic. Good example: Louis Wain (picrel) drew cats, and made a whole new world of cats with great paintings. He was probably schizo + autistic, and spent most of his years in asylums, and still one of the greatest painters of all time. He overcome his problems with one simply thing: Did what he really loved.
everyone has a talent, everybody is good at something, most people good at several things, you just have to find them. You always think being a schizo is a terrible nightmare, but in some cases, especially in art, it makes things easier, because you see the world in a really different view, and in a more creative way
>maybe i have just been thinking about all these things for too long and made my mind think that.
thats a kind of self-hypnosis. You convince yourself you're bad at everything and fail everything, and thats what depression is about, the only way to fight it is to believe in more positive things, thats why notes in the mirror works for ppl, or saying good things about yourself. If you say it enough, you will believe it 
>maybe it's also the fear of being judged idk
again, everybody feels this, but thats why an anonymous board is great, i can talk for hours about shit i learned and even if they judge me or say im a retarded nerd, i dont care because i dont know them, and they dont know me. Its only hard for the first few times to post, and then it will be really easy
sorry if its too long or too much in one take
Replies: >>15264
Psychosis, drug abuse, or hardcore self-harm, like cutting your fingers off. But if you're in the EU, you can only get 6 months then you free to go, and if you're in the USA you can get lifelong (as far as I know), but that will suck, REALLY HARD
Replies: >>15263 >>15267
Also, forgot: you can get psychosis if you stay awake for too long, like 3-4 days. Thats probably the easiest. But please dont do it, it can fuck your brain up. Or, if you're in the EU, you can just sign up and get free psychiatry, but they let you out in 2-4 weeks
Thank you for trying to help me 
But how do you overcome these hurdles if not by your own willpower? What if you are simply too weak for such things and have lived in this state for too long? 
I probably haven't found what I really love yet, but I'll keep my eyes open. thank you again for trying to help me i try to cope with things like budhism or the stoics but in the end it is just a way of trying to make reality look like it really isn't. i always try to look at things very objectively even if i don't always succeed i at least try to do so
Replies: >>15268
So from my experience you must only be a danger to myself or others and they put you in a mental institution but that is just the view of a german schizo you should not give too much weight to my words
Replies: >>15266 >>15268
is there not like a magic suicide formula i can say to a doctor to get sent to the looney bin
Replies: >>15268
>Thank you for trying to help me 
No problem, that will be my job
>But how do you overcome these hurdles if not by your own willpower?
Thats why psychology and therapy sucks for most people, because there is no way. Our job is to give the mentlely lel all the help and love we can, but they are the only ones who can help themselves. Some ppl think that "if i got a gf/bf/friends/family then i will be okay" but thats not entirely true. If your problem is loneliness, then yes, it will help, but if thats not your biggest problem, it wont. And still, they get better. Why? Because they work on themselves, even if they dont know it. They start to believe they are better, and if you start thinking this, you will be better almost instantly. 
>What if you are simply too weak for such things and have lived in this state for too long? 
There is no weak or strong. There is no bad or good. Everybody struggles with their problems, but some ppl have more talent in curing themselves than others. And most importantly, there is no mental illness that will stay with you forever. This was one of the first things that I read in my books and it blew my mind: If you had a previous state of mind, you can get that back. Your mind and soul is not like your body, it can grew back the lost parts. Yes, it will take time and effort, A LOT OF WORK, but it can be achievable. Example: Psychiatrists tend to say that if you were once a drug addict, you will be like that forever, but thats just materialistic (retarded) thinking and in psychology, there is no such thing. If you believe that you will always be an addict, you will. But the first time you think that you might not be an addict, you're no longer addicted, thats how the Allan Carr method works, and it works great. You read it over and over again, that you're not addicted and you don't need your addiction, until you actually believe it, and when you believe it, you're cured. Same goes for mental illness. Depression is really hard to beat, because it makes you think you're worthless and everything is bad, even if everything is great. As long as you believe it, everything will be bad, but if you start looking at things differently, you will start to beat the shit out of that fucker depression, and fuck depression. Same for schizophrenia. 
The ultimate cure is love. Freud said that "Love is a temporary psychosis", which is still true. If you love yourself, you will see a completely different person in you, and a completely different world, but in a positive way. The only thing you need to cure yourself, is love, love, and more love. 
100% true. You have to be a danger to yourself and/or society.
Why would you want that? Well, yes there is, if you say you want to murder hundreds you will probably get locked up
Replies: >>15269
love to see people typing essays to schizos that will have all of it go straight out the other ear
ur retarded btw
maybe this time something will stick, it's never a guarantee 
I am, after all, mentally ill
and this person knows that
I admire such people because they always try to help another person, even if it may not be of any use.
psychology is fortune reading for the modern age
Replies: >>15273 >>15282
the mind is a powerfull thing
Replies: >>15275
Doesn't matter if they learn from it or not, that's not the point. The point is, I'm trying to help somebody who is in a need of it.
Replies: >>15280
i hope i don't live for my next birthday
yosho says do not smoke meth, you will schizophrene
>love to see people typing essays to schizos that will have all of it go straight out the other ear
>ur retarded btw
NTA but I regularly unabashedly write giant essays to literal self-admitted paranoid schizophrenics, clearly insane conspiracy theorists, etc. I don't know why. I can't quite help myself. Maybe it's that futility is more like a boulder than a magnet.
Replies: >>15278
Plus schizophrenia is obviously a huge spectrum and avocato is clearly usually on the less-psychotic side when posting compared to some of the serious schizos. It's not like replying to that El Arcon/Jonathan Tooker guy
Replies: >>15279
im diagnosed with F20.0
the worst is (hopefully) already behind me 
this is called residual phase
Replies: >>15281
i need an exit plan, what do you suggest?
Replies: >>15283
while in that phase you're probably roughly as capable of understanding/remembering/internalizing/following advice as any other reclusive 4channer
Replies: >>15284
>psychology is fortune reading for the modern age
yes, but psychiatry is a background check, and neuroscience is marrying you
Getting an actual therapy
Replies: >>15286
>Positive, as you are the only one who has power over your own thoughts. Others may be able to influence you but at the end of the day the only one responsible for your well being is yourself. 

this is the one of the things i remeber from that time
i went through the archive lately and found the posts i made durin my severe psychotic phase...
i know these are my posts but i rougly remeber making them
i would make the most progress if i could have therapy in bed while hugging my therapist, anything less than that is a manifest waste of my time
Replies: >>15289 >>15301
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You want me to come to your bed, hug you and tell you that everything will going to be alright?
Replies: >>15301
Noted, if i become a therapist and if this is something a client feels so inclined to do, I would proceed with it while talking him or her out of negative thoughts :) 
Cutest squishy in this thread :3
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every bottom should be a therapist, theres no mental illness that a cute menhera boy cant solve
Replies: >>15303
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I will hug and kiss that sadness out of you, this is a threat :3
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