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why does weight loss have to be so slow, I did the numbers and you lose like 10g of body weight for every hour you don't eat.
Replies: >>30330 >>30358
Pretty sure it's like twice that
haven't checked tho
>why does weight loss have to be so slow
Cos it's the inverse of energy storage being good. The privileged of not having to eat is paid for by having difficulty shifting oil when you're just trying to burn it off
Replies: >>30325
I calculated it as follows
avg. TDEE is ~2000 / 3500 (1lb of fat) = .57142lbs per day of fasting / 24 hrs * 453.592 (lbs to grams) 

Oh wait it's 21g, I guess u were right
Replies: >>30328
nutritional/energy requirement/day is usually presented for like 23 year old skinnyfat female med students so you can easily get twice that or more if you actually work hard enough to cycle bodytemp even as a manlet
Replies: >>30331 >>30346
>>30317 (OP) 
The only real way you lose weight (stored carbon) is by exhalation.
Do things that make you breathe more and you will lost more weight via CO2
you're not gonna double your daily calorie expenditure just by working out till you start sweating
Replies: >>30332
Only person it reflects on that you can't even imagine doing the work after you break a sweat is yourself
I'm only loosely recounting anecdote, cunt
Replies: >>30334
maybe their antecedote was wrong?
4000 calories in a day is athlete levels of calorie burn, that's like running 12 miles a day.
Replies: >>31375
it's pretty accurate for most adults because most people will have a sedentary lifestyle and have no muscles to speak of
>>30317 (OP) 
In three months I've lost 12.2 kgs. Just eat 500 + caloric deficit, do a bit of light exercise (mainly to stop yourself feeling hungry + keep morale up) and trust the science (fauci). Good luck.
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Replies: >>30375
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Replies: >>30375
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Die out
Replies: >>30392 >>30393
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remember boys, purging is only gross if you use the same hand that you goon with.
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>maybe their antecedote was wrong?
It's my own anecdote, based on how much I was eating to gain/lose weight when I was competing. My daily intake was about 6-10MJ when I was cutting, and between maybe 14-22MJ when I was putting on weight.
>4000 calories in a day
4000 calories is twice twice the RDI daily total, I'm saying that by being a young man with a higher basal metabolic rate than the average woman and doing a reasonable amount of exercise you can get your total daily expenditure to half that.
>4000 calories in a day is athlete levels of calorie burn
It was 21-27hrs of moderate+ intensity exercise a week but tbqhwyf doing 1-1.5hrs of higher intensity stuff felt way harder  (e.g. freestyle wrestling and it's warmups vs. bleh stuff like BJJ or boxing classes) and probably burnt more calories than 4.5hrs of the cringe stuff.
>that's like running 12 miles a day.
100 minutes of moderate intensity exercise a day really isn't a crazy number, if a little higher than I'd say most people should aim for on a weekday.

BMR literally varies by like 2.5x between an average large man and a smaller woman anyway, if you're not a manlet you probably can get to 4k calorie expenditure/day pretty easily (after you've put on muscle).
Replies: >>31377
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