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we will take everything from them except your television 
we will make sure that there is nothing relevant on TV that will disturb your everyday life in any way whatsoever
we will make sure that the alcohol in the discounter remains so cheap 
so that you can drink your head off once a week
every four years we organize elections to make it look like we care about your opinion
and to make it look like we do so that it seems that something changes at all
every 2 years a sporting highlight so that the collective everyday life is drowned out by the dream of joy.
and if you have eaten all this as a god given
the unemployment, the senselessness, and the national debt
then we'll cut your salaries
so they can see how good they had it before
and then if someone opens their mouth 
then we still have international terrorism up our sleeve
then we will scare you for so long that it will go through your bones
and then at the latest they will eat out of our hands
Replies: >>22675
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why must i become a lawyer inorder to navigate the bureaucracy that is my life? why does going with the flow mean drifting down dire straits? why do i keep putting up with the humiliation just to receive a modicum of comfort that always eventually stales anyways? 

all these thoughts circle round in my head. i rarely ever feel grounded anymore. i'm wanting a retreat in deep nature to heal from the harm of society.
>>22308 (OP) 
cool mass shooter manifesto 
please kill as many rich people and politicians as humanly possible
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