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Hope will die from the bloodloss or sepsis
Replies: >>27454
>>27453 (OP) 
Why can't you be chill
Replies: >>27455
life sucks im out
Replies: >>27456
Maybe just take the antidepressants like you're supposed to and you'd feel better
Replies: >>27457
i take my meds every day
shit it was not deep enought
Replies: >>27459
I know ppl joke about not liking you but this place and the other s4s wouldn't be the same without you if you left
Replies: >>27460 >>27462
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as if anyone would really care
Yeah they'd be better
>joke about not liking you
snap out of it, man. life isn't junk, you're just in a funk. i know that even in the deepest sorrow, you are still capable of laughing and knowing joy, if even for a brief moment. life is inappropriately absurd like that sometimes, but it can be the very thing to keep you going. that happiness doesn't cost anything to know, only a willingness to accept and invite it into your life. try to take care of yourself man, snap the fuck out of it cause i don't like seeing others keep themselves down, nor do i like seeing others push others down. we're all trapped on this floating space rock together, and even if we lead mundane lives, we still have eachother.
Replies: >>27471 >>27474
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Well said anon.Im with you
The bloomers come out blooming in spring
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