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I wonder if some of you are conciously aware of how porn addiction might be ruining your life? That it might be a symptom of a deeper psychological problem? I'm talking about people like Magick.
Replies: >>35594
magick should make a recording of plabbing her peibs
well of course i don't think magick claims he's not severely fucked up
same thing with wish's brand of retardation, he might seem quaint at first but then you realize he's literally a product of sexual child abuse
also i probably gonna jack off to this cade later because i'm also a maladjusted turboloser
>>35590 (OP) 
projecting lmao
Replies: >>35595
everybody's in the same fucked up heavy trauma boat, rocking it back in fourth in constant fear that it will tip over.
Replies: >>35609
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Don't shroom when you're emotionally unstable and haven't had the opportunity to dump the culmination of all your life's trauma unto a licensed professional 

That's all I'm saying
Replies: >>35598
nooobody is looking for advice from the guy who jacks off to animals dude
Replies: >>35599
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You would benefit from having a bit of more humanity in your life
you gotta get away from here. this place isn't good for you. it's not conducive to growth. you're just letting out the worst side of yourself onto others, who may or may not even deserve it. the shrooms can only do so much, man. leave before it becomes a vicious cycle of hatred, rehashing old trauma daily.
Replies: >>35610
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Im coming down from the shrooms

I dont know why Magick takes off his name and tries to deflect any semblance of criticism of his character with such fervor. I'm not mocking you, I don't think you're a lesser human being for jerking off to blacked porn. Accept that there might be an underlying reason for your maladaptive behavior. Please don't be a dick about it.
Replies: >>35613
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How do people come out of traumatic experiences changed for the worse? Without the desire to be better and not perpuate the cycle of hatred that led to that trauma in the first place? I don't understand. 

Are people like wish beyond saving?
Replies: >>35647
im in this other boat actually 
>The nearby Californian radios the Titanic: “Say, old man, we are stopped and surrounded by ice.” An annoyed Phillips responds: “Shut up! Shut up! I am busy. I am working Cape Race.” 
the lesson here is that sometimes no matter how much you warn someone it doesnt matter if they just dismiss you without passing on the message
Replies: >>35619
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i do this
Replies: >>35618
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if magick became normal that wouldnt be so fun would it?
Replies: >>35616
it's okay squishy, nobody's perfect afterall.
ahoy squishy. yeah, feelsbadman. didn't come to condemn, but i believe the resistance means that he is just trying to protect himself, even if it means holding onto past trauma he can't let go of yet. it's not his fault, i believe that this human condition is inherently traumatic. i think this is just something everyone has to eventually work through: themselves. not to imply it's easy at all, most never truly know thyselves.
>>35608 saturn
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