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bunny food
yo chat
do it be robitussin or naw
Replies: >>36240
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get the one that's dxm only and doesn't make the expectorant that gives you nausea at high dosages.
Replies: >>36246
How much do you need to get high? 
From what I've read you need a boatload of the stuff.
Replies: >>36249
is this a wish reference
idk but I found this guide, which also has lots of caveats if you're on antidepressants
Replies: >>36251 >>36252
So that's how you can do so much of it, using the tablets. In my country you can only get it as a liquid with half the strength as the US liquid.
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Also I don't take antidepressants because I have a normal functioning brain.
@dxm takers
In fact, NMDA antagonist-induced psychosis more closely resembles schizophrenia than the amphetamine/dopamine agonist model (Krystal et al 1994). The psychosis induced by NMDA antagonists causes not only positive symptoms similar to the action of dopaminergic agonists but also negative symptoms and cognitive deficits associated with schizophrenia.
Replies: >>36261 >>36275
yeah i figured you would give yourself permanent brain damage taking OTC drugs like that, i think ill stick to aobahol
Replies: >>36262
I think he means that the high is pretty much a schizophrenic psychosis episode, which is true, at high plats you start believing weird stuff and being completely deluded 
be careful nonetheless
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btw dextromethorphan is a sh*t drug and you deserve to feel like sh*t if you continue to abuse it
Replies: >>36267
shit opinion
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wish is on enough dxm to fry her brain into a schizophrenic psychosis episode and make her completely deluded
Replies: >>36281
Schizophrenia doesn't have any associated cognitive deficits. They were shown to be symptoms of prescribed medication
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First time user.
Purchased my first bottle today, planning on getting a second bottle and drinking both at the weekend (300mg) total.
There's so much sorbitol in these things I'll probably have the runs real bad.
Replies: >>36279 >>36282
I'll take dxm at the same time so I can haunt you in the astral plane
Replies: >>36280
I'm gonna squeeze your ethereal ass.
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iv been binging it daily with grapefruit and bupropion but im still very verg very very very very seflnaware and consciously about conscious the surrounding enemies etc, so basically im still able to function,>>36276 psychopomp gold or original user  ??? ?
Replies: >>36283
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basically im not >>36282
Replies: >>36284
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idk U
ok who cares shut up
Replies: >>39078
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i thought its nap time..
Replies: >>36287
Nonwe're gonna watch Gridman lol
Replies: >>36288
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please naptime for a little bit
i dont care
Replies: >>36291 >>36292
Replies: >>36292
Wtf Traingulation??MissAkane??.?
Replies: >>36293
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Replies: >>36295
so basically
Replies: >>36296
quite literally
Replies: >>36299
Replies: >>36300
 I'll just have to go back to pressing E to interact with random Fragments...
Replies: >>36302
thanks wish!
Replies: >>36303
Nippah~ ☆
what the fuck is wish
Replies: >>36307
Born from a Wish
Replies: >>36308
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gotcha gotcha
Replies: >>36309
Replies: >>36310
it means like i understand, sorry if i confused u..
Replies: >>36311
its ok
Replies: >>36312
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aaall wishes in the world go to sleep now! bunny and fluffy dreams await!
Replies: >>36314
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scary but ok
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Replies: >>36316
im not crazy
Replies: >>36317
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yet another wish yapfest circlejerk
Replies: >>36321
kono baka seria killaa
Replies: >>36321 >>36322
theres a new death note sus game coming to steam fr
*squeezes your chest in the morning*
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im currently experiencing solar psychosis but its ok because im comfortable living in the remnants of my previous shell cloud mist thing
Replies: >>36327
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Replies: >>36328
y do u keep waking up at around this time every single day
literally, ? wtf
also uninstall synthv please
Replies: >>36329
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no lol
Replies: >>36330
ok whatever its dxm time
Replies: >>36331
i dont care
Replies: >>36332
so cute
Replies: >>36333
Baka Baaaka
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i thought we were going to nap
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bait has been placed and taken

n2o is the dissociative for real niqqaz

be weary about chasing feelings in the wind
Pressing E...
Replies: >>36339
Cute .-.
what playing umineko for 24 hours does to a mf
Replies: >>36342
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1100mg dxm 2g psilocybin amphetamine and thc time
Replies: >>36344
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hour one
Replies: >>36637
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Grapefruit juice acquired.
Just need to get the second bottle of robitussin and I'm equipped for Friday night.
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>Coworkers trying to invite me out to a bar tonight
No sweaty, I need to go home and drink dxm.
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The sorbitol hit faster than I was expecting.
anon has died
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I have exploded out my ass two times
Replies: >>36392
lol but did you trip
Replies: >>36394
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Three times. 
Not really. It's like I'm kinda drunk and all the noises about the house seem strange and unknown. Also my eyes are open harder than normal and my vision seemed clearer for a couple of minutes at one point.
people are really over here taking chemicals to give themselves a slight feeling of confusion and detachment for the sake of nothing other than to experience a momentary fleeting minuscule deviation of their default state of perception
Replies: >>36398 >>36401
how much did you take? like 600? should be enough for someone to reach well into 2nd or even 3rd plat, unless you're like enormous what's your height and weight?

you're supposed to lie down and listen to music, preferably with your eyes closed
Replies: >>36399
did you have any weird thoughts or delusions??? hm maybe you did it all wrong
dxm first times are reality melting you ought to be in full psychosis right now literally blasting off into space
yeah I really don't get it, drugs are more fun when you do them with friends, I don't get doing them on your own
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I only took 300mg to gauge how it affects me.
Replies: >>36402 >>36405
ooohhh yeahhh just give me thedowners uhhh my life is so much to handle i need constant downers from posting on s4s so much uuuuuhhh the alcohol ohhh fuiuuck im dissociating on dxm im literaly a teen uhhhhh nooo no i dont want an upper my heart is week i can't be stimulaterd noooo 

LISTEN, retard, REAL MEN (Adults) SMOKE CRYSTAL. Do you UNDERSTAND ME? or TAKE MOLLY, BITCH. you need an UPPER to take charge of your life and MAKE something of it, you raw egg sucking retard get salmonella poisoning and then you can take anti-salmonella pills and pretend they're xanax or some other stupid downer .... HAHAHAH BTFO ANOTHER WIN FOR TEAM #AMPHETAMINES

Your Fortune: Make Sure Your Earthly Affairs Are In Order
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I took it because I wanna see what it's like!
well that would be a 2nd plat dose.. so about right what you described, but you should've tried 600mg so it would really hit you, however it seems that the stuff you're taking is not good
the syrup I buy gives about 350mg per 100ml, and uses real sugars so it absorbs quickly and doesn't mess up my stomach
Replies: >>36420
should have bought robocough tqblets and take 3000mg
yea sometimes you feel as if your eyes are huge or bulging, but as I said you should've listened to music
open eye visual happens when you do something like watching clouds or something, but they're rare
you can also watch a movie

also you're the drained dry guy wtf
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take 600 mg with empty stomach next time, preferably something without sorbitol, in like a month
Replies: >>36476
take6000mg next time and you will go to super happy fun location adventure
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I did start listening to some music with my eyes closed after my last post and I got some interesting visuals like a 2000s era music music player visualizer, but after a while what I feared would happen happened and I fell asleep. 
Sadgely in my country it's only available as a 7.5mg/5ml syrup with sorbitol. I took some loperimide and it seems to have helped but my guts have been groaning super loud all morning.
Replies: >>36422
I abandoned my child
Replies: >>36424
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Ahhhhh how did you find out it was me!
Also I think I might have found a product with sugar. It contains menthol too but if I drink 600mg worth it will only be 200mg menthol.
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Finally found that thread, it was the coffee mug girl pic.
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newmedicationmademefeelkindaweirdbutifeelbetterbuttfwnoownerforpets meow meow mewmrrp
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Do I really gotta wait a whole month before consuming the dxm? I wanna do it next week.
Replies: >>36477
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ok do it next week  
Replies: >>36478
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No, no if you think it's important for me to wait a month I'll do it.
Replies: >>36481
do it today 3000mg today try it
threade theme
no it's not that important, a week is fine
magick the drug pusher
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Got 2 bottles of DXM hydrobromide (sorbitol free).
Gonna make a run on all the local pharmacies to get as many bottles as I can tomorrow then I will drink 500ml cranberry juice and then 3 bottles (675mg).
Not cranberry juice, grapefruit
Oh my god please dont
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did someone read this?
Replies: >>36640
memantine is far better than dxm cuz it lasts long
Check the replies
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My haul: 2025mg DXM
did you do it
did you take dxm again?
huh, basket baby???
Replies: >>36949
magick the drug pusher
i don't get mind rotting drugs, recreational hormone use is more rewarding
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my heart is so tolerant
too bad
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I eated sum psilocybin today!
Replies: >>36941
i Bo8ght Nbome
Replies: >>36942
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Mild visuals, no real mind fuggery, also don't do too much as it can cause vasoconstriction.
Replies: >>36943
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Im Going To Take 3 Tabs
Replies: >>36944
ur not me
Replies: >>36945
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absorbs u lol
Replies: >>36946
no ur gonna die from an overdose before that
Replies: >>36947
i know u will
Replies: >>39080
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I was listening to music with my eyes closed like you said and was getting some pretty interesting visions. 
I was floating around buildings in 3D space in time with the beat of the music and everything looked hyperrealistic and then it would often suddenly freeze and it would be like I was looking at that still image as if it were tattooed on the back of my eyelid. 
Then the image would that video compression datamosh effect with the next scene of me moving around again and it would repeat.
But then I puked my guts up before I had absorbed the full dose so I didn't lose my sense of self and dissociate and although I was compulsively moving my limbs in repetitive movements I could always stop them if I thought hard enough.
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can i shut down instead
omg i won
Replies: >>39084
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Damn you niggas are taking drugs to experience life the way I do sober,  Dass crazy fr
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rabbit poop
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