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i believe am having hppd
Replies: >>29124
>>29123 (OP) 
I get that after a really bad flu, I guess the sinus pressure presses on the optic nerves somewhere and it gives me visual snow and sometimes makes me go blind (white out vision) and it comes with a panic attack at the same time, really sucks
Replies: >>29130
silence the screaming
damage comes to the brain
its the start of the end
damage comes to the soul
its the end of the start
wasted confusion
deadly illusion
nightmare intrusion
i cant wait to try dmt
Replies: >>29151
40 days remaining for the shipment
it includes 2x thc vapes as well
i believe that through trying to use the internet to escape sad realities, you have given yourself psychosis. i don't blame you, i only recognize it because it happened to me too. i urge you to treat yourself well, not in le "mentlel health" way, but just try to not make yourself feel shameful about any of this because you've already suffered a lot. if it's worth anything, you still have your intuition to help guide you, which at the very least, won't hurt you like people will. maybe you understand, maybe you don't. i Wish you the best.
Replies: >>29149
get well soon abuser
you're gonna like mindbreak urself with that stuff.. :C 
if anything mushrooms would probably be better because atleast they have the benefit of like lowering excess serotonin alot and they aren't as strong/dangerous andd stuff
dmt was boring when i tried it but it was probably a matter of bad environment
i didn't break through or anything, it was like being clubbed in the head and seeing stars cartoon style
maybe i wasn't worthy
Replies: >>29175
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i will have divine punishment after my first smoke
Replies: >>29176
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punishment? aurora loves you
Replies: >>29198
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