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my bad drawering 

I haven’t done much art stuff in my lief so I started attending an art class once a week. I’ve only gone there two times (two weeks) so I’m not very good yet… I haven’t even gone over the technical stuff
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I maed this too with minimal experience 

but it’s much easier to copy from a reference
Replies: >>19648
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Looks a bit better when you can’t see the fucked up pencil dents from this angle
you don't have to waste money going to an art class to learn how to draw
Replies: >>17997
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I’m too pussified, overwhelmed, and not very confident to try this shit alone. And I get more motivation from having a sense of duty to attend the class. I also find that I need an initial breakthrough from the beginner phase of whatever I try to get genuine enjoyment from that activity, and I find it hard to do that by myself. It’s definitely possible but most of the time I just end up quitting because I’m a faggot that hates to challenge themselves xD
Replies: >>19650
unironically kill yourself
Replies: >>18000 >>18001
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are you the one that has an autistic meltdown any time i use they/them to refer to someone by default
Replies: >>18005
no i am the second
>it’s much easier to copy from a reference
Drawing is just copying from aggregate past references anyway
post a comparison to a reference pic
you should try drawing long uninterrupted lines. the line is one of your most important tools as an artist, so make sure to know how to manipulate it the way you want to. once you start drawing good lines, you can even move onto brush work if you want, where you're free to experiment with line width, flaring your lines as you please. of course, a good line itself isn't enough, you gotta know your shapes and proportions, so it's kinda just a step towards a polished product, but it's probably a good baseline to be able to do more from.

just fucking try you damn whiny crybaby. literally nobody can do this for you, so suck it up, take it easy, and have some fun drawing instead of misappropriating this practice as an excuse to be miserable and loathe yourself. i already hear enough of it, i'm tired.
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