Did you know that thickened water has the same consistency as warm c**mies if you warm it up, it even coats the back of your throat just like real cmmies, I'm sure you could find plenty of uses for it if you've tried shooting ur skeets in your mouth when you're horny
>>1010 (OP) hote...
>thickened water what the hell is this >moderately thick >made with pure artesian mineral water >proprietary formula >ready to drink this is completely hilarious what the fuck i bet it costs 20$ a pop too fucking hell
>>1013 you can make your own thick water with unflavored gelatin
>>1025 for what purpose? inb4 cum swallowing simulation
>>1010 (OP) >>1011 >>1013 >>1025 >>1026
>>1027 how did you know about this one
Bottled c**mies
>>1010 (OP) bumping to remind newfigs what a quality thread looks like
can't you just ask your boyfriend to count your throat with his c*mb
wine c*mmies
what about the taste
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>>12494 those are all ED mediations what did chang mean by this?
>>12495 don't be racist, it's almost certainly a bot operated by a russian vatnik cunt
why is everyone on s4s androphilic
>>12543 does it count if I'm only attracted to guys that looks like girls?
i'm the only manlover here
>>12545 no
niacinamide 10% serum has the same consistency except it smells like glue i feel like im bukkaking myself every time I put it on but my skin feels nice so its ok