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Nobody cared 
Nobody gave a single fuck about me
Replies: >>30565
please condense your threads
>>30563 (OP) 
I do
Replies: >>30567
you are not real
Replies: >>30569
If I don't care then why would have mailed all that anthrax to you?
Replies: >>30581
Then explain the VC we had together
You weren't talking to an illusion
Replies: >>30573
that's right, because you were talking to a staatsschutz agent instead

stasi never went away they just changed names you are being zersetzung-ed gado watch out trust no one
Replies: >>30574
I wasn't talking to an agent
I was talking to my dear friend the one I helped through psychosis 
The one I helped through the bios thingy
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Frankfurt hosts the largest United States Consulate in the world.
Officially it is serving US citizens in Germany however unofficially it is a staging area for members of the CIA.
Germany is a CIA co-operation partner, members of the CIA can travel from Germany into any other Schengen nation without border checks. 
However, Germany is not just a CIA co-operation partner but also a CIA operations region. 
For over 10 years the CIA wiretapped into the German chancellor's phone, intercepting all of her calls. 
CIA agents with fake aliases and fake pasts embed themselves every facet of German infrastructure. 
The CIA has a vested interest in the manufacture and distribution of drugs.
By controlling the flow of drugs the CIA can use it as a vehicle to forward its agendas whether they be destabilizing foreign nations, obtaining blackmail on influential figures or generating money that the United States Government cannot trace and laundering it though shell companies. 
It is likely that people involved in such an industry have had dealings with a member of the CIA without even knowing it.
jokes on you i haven not be to the mailbox since 4 weeks or more
Replies: >>30582
My monitoring devices go undisturbed.
Replies: >>30584
why are you doing thism to me T_T
Replies: >>30592
There there kawaii schizo.
I didn't mail anything to you.
Or did  I....

Replies: >>30596 >>30598
Delightfully devilish, squishy
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