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Why does this website still exist
Replies: >>31256 >>31424
Why are you still fat?
Replies: >>31221
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Not fat + handsome
cope slutoid
Replies: >>31222
"Just fat" is not "fat + handsome", correct
>can't come up with anything better to post than more pictures of himself unprovoked
literally on the same level as a tumblr landwhale lmao, I guess the resemblance is more than skin deep
Replies: >>31223
>>can't come up with anything better to post than more pictures of himself unprovoked
You're the one who brought up my physical appearance, not me. The topic of my thread was this website.
Replies: >>31226
Honestly shocked that this schizo is still rotting on this website. You sit here and defend a dead altchan year after year like it's your sole livelihood. It's probably the most pathetic thing I've witnessed in my entire life.
Replies: >>31226
quit triggering the autist
Replies: >>31226
Believe you me your fatness oozes through the screen like a trail of oil and rancid butter, it was plain to see
>You're the one who brought up my physical appearance
Not really, I brought up something that was still true that was true in the past when you asked why something that was true is still true.
There's still a great and pressing need for a site like /s4s/ and there isn't any alternative or issue with the site or it's administration.
The reason everyone calls you fat is because you are fat, it really isn't any deeper than that.
Get real
Imagine being ready to argue and bitch with people on a hair trigger on a dead exile board titled "anime pillow fight" for months on end being your pastime on a Friday night.
Your sharp acerbic words mean nothing to me when they're coming from someone whose existence is that meek, pathetic and aimless.
Replies: >>31228
>Imagine being ready to argue and bitch with people on a hair trigger
>Your sharp acerbic words mean nothing to me
Literally all that's been said is that you're fat lmao
Something which you yourself agreed with by  posting your selfie
What the fuck are you talking about dude?
Replies: >>31229
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>ur fat
Wow you're even boring and tedious in your own little local shitting grounds.
God knows how insufferable you must be to know and exist around in the real world.
Being hated by a worthless peon like you is a compliment.
Replies: >>31231
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hey matty boy
Replies: >>31232
You're really desperate to try to spin being called fat (a true statement demonstrated with photographic evidence even in this very thread) into obsession and hate huh
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Pegasus over here
when i made a thread about shutting the site down people told me not to do it and the server itself is free so the only real cost is domain renewal
Replies: >>31240
But why though
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I find it absolutely hysterical that in order to disprove the "fat" allegations he posts a picture of his FAT ASS with the most laughable expression someone could ever come up with. Like, nigger, what is that face supposed to convey? The fact that you probably thought up it's cool looking or badass or even "sexy" makes me absolutely GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEG HOLY SHIT 
You absolutely demolish 'gado when it comes to lolcow status
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Also I just noticed
>Wearing hats indoors to hide that baldass empty dome of yours
Replies: >>31993
Funny how the ones hiding behind anime girls instead of actually posting themselves are this quick to criticise my appearance and use it as their only point against me
only miserable people post shit like that anyway
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>instead of actually posting themselves
You're not supposed to post pictures of yourself on the internet retard
>use it as their only point against me
You've been blown out in every possible way in the few times you've ever tried anything else, but since 99.9% of what you do is post images of yourself it follows that most replies are going to be about those images.
It's crazy how you can't even sustain a line of reasoning one single step.
Replies: >>31421
>>31219 (OP) 
If this site were to ever be deleted munch will return and ban everyone from bad [s4s]
Replies: >>31261
and that's a good thing!
Nigger no one asked for you to post your ugly mutt face in the first place. It's fucking 4chan, not your grooming discord server. 
Actual fucking discord tourist who came to this site for no reason other than to groom a bunch of retarded underage attention-starved dumb children. No one else would even come close to that cunted face except the most desperate for any crumb of attention.
Replies: >>31421 >>31719
wish the guy with the mattress hateboner would stop posting
Replies: >>31270
Who, mattress?
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How is it this easy to upset you
It's like free entertainment
>>31219 (OP) 
the secret board is death
Replies: >>31619
death is real
Come back baby boy
so i can fuck with the admin why else lole
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It’s called a widow’s peak by the way.
Replies: >>31994 >>31997
Male pattern baldness.
You should really hop on finasteride before your Norwood 2 becomes a 4
Replies: >>32002
thank god they remove that brandon guys brain he was a real asshole am i right
He's already a Norwood 3 in that image
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Help I’m being groomed
Replies: >>32008
I'm all for it, nobody looks good losing their hair
I wanted more laughing anime girls humiliation not this norwood shit
Replies: >>32022 >>32023
they're gonna be laughing at u for sure if you go bald
Speedmald to norwood 4
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i was on drugs
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Replies: >>32034
cute feet
id ask if you have dht in ur body but I'm sure the estrogen took care of that
Replies: >>32038
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iuono dht r they friendly
Replies: >>32039
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nah it's pretty bad, not having it is best for everyone
Replies: >>32049 >>32052
Some people want facial hair though. I look like a school shooter if I’m clean shaven.
Replies: >>32059
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Bang bang die mean website
I don't think use of DHT inhibitors would do anything for existing body hair, plus, the new strat to grow thick ass healthy beards is to use minoxidil, either on your face or orally.
Replies: >>32061
what about wanting your dick to still work
Replies: >>32063
that has nothing to do with DHT, if anything, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors raise free testosterone because none of it is being diverted by 5ar to make DHT anymore.
I remember being horny as hell the first few weeks on fin, it levels out but it doesn't break your dick or do anything to force feminize you like /fit/ claims.
Replies: >>32064
i know but it is one of the possible side effects of finasteride  that's statistically not irrelevant
Replies: >>32065
The incidence rate for ED in the double blind tests was 2% for the placebo and probably like 3% for finasteride, i'm fully convinced it was all incidental given the age of the participants, plus it's really easy to psyop yourself into ED symptoms, remember that everyone in the study believed they were taking the real drug.

In later studies, the ED rates in the control and real drug equaled out after the first year, meaning it wasn't the fin causing ED.
Replies: >>32073
>plus it's really easy to psyop yourself into ED symptoms
This post is a spell.
The spell is activated by reading this post. 
Your penis is no longer able to achieve an erection.
The effects of this spell are irreversible.
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Could beat you sissies up
I'm more muscular despite being probably a third your weight lmao
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Robloxass lookin mf
you look like the retarded son of the tavern keeper in a medieval fantasy setting
BMI 30
Norwood 3.1
Replies: >>32432
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It's wild to think the only difference between you and mattress is an extra 800cal meal per day.
Replies: >>32316
yeah, per day over multiple months perhaps over at least a year, that's a big difference
Replies: >>32343
it also works in reverse, abstaining from one meal a day for months will make you skinny
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BMI does not take a person’s mountainous muscle mass into account
Replies: >>32458
you are not an olympic athlete, bmi is applicable to most people, especially you fattress
Replies: >>32459
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I’m a cute little girl those are just pictures of my dumb brother anyways
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