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I'm gonna do so much dxm lol
Replies: >>25568 >>25571
>neck is (very nearly) 50% wider at the top as at the bottom, even disregarding that the top isn't horizontal to the camera unlike the projected base
rouge angels of satin
>>25565 (OP) 
not yet
ill tell u when
be a good boy.
ill try to sleep again
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>>25565 (OP) 
angels routine
I changed my mind
Replies: >>25584
gooood boy
I want  to play project zomboid now but what's the point
Replies: >>25603
the atmosphere of that game is so cool, nobody around completely alone
last time I did 1200 dxm and god literally gave me a spaceship it was so weird
i love
project zomboid
Replies: >>25606
me too
but we will never play together
Replies: >>25607 >>25671
cute sensitive boy
cataclysm is better tbh
Replies: >>25654
They're from completely incomparable genres lol wtf
Replies: >>25657
i see people compare them all the time
Replies: >>25658
>i see people compare them all the time
You just compared them, yes
That doesn't mean it's coherent or that the people doing it aren't retarded
Replies: >>25660
they're both good anyway
Replies: >>25661
DDA is dogshit
I haven't played the forks but it's hard to imagine them solving it being a farming simulator with arbitrary constraints where core gameplay is just scumming and there's no direction or purpose to work towards
Replies: >>25663
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Replies: >>25665 >>25668
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>keep doing it I will die
Not seeing a drawback here
i miss u too
magick i, m playing final famtasy remake
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magick iv'e benn on kratom for 5 days and 0 days sober or without it
magick i failed all school classes agaim
magick is ,y orbiter but i aoso orbit magik because magick is cool ya
Replies: >>25683
swum swuwmfes suwmw dimw swuwme sjwwume siswmdliwsbsbwwbeve aswuwio
then the next day i was like wth because it was jist a dream i think im still
img i wanna masturbate but im im school library nooo
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sparkles doesnt shut up
sowmtimes im not sure wht im saying i just type words from my brain do u still think im cute
Replies: >>25695
feels lkike it's just you orbiting magick, fam
Replies: >>25686
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my back hurts
he's obsessed with me but he's too much of a sensitive little adhd baby autistic boy to engage with me directly most of the time. and yes i do orbit magick. his presence comforrs me yay yap
Replies: >>25695 >>25696
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ssweiously my back hurts i wana go home now brb,,
Replies: >>25695
also magicks presence makes me happy not just comfort nd it makes me want to headpat him nd call him a good boyy them give him my Epic seal of approval MY BACK HURTS BRB.
Replies: >>25693
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omg i missed a trade worth billions
aha ahahw ill hacee heart failure heartttt failure mehssbdbe
im sooo horny
you're projecting your fantasies onto him
that's good keep doing that
don't call me that
my back hurts
I think there's a warmth in his heart for you but it's certainly less than obsession
Even if your character lacks those modalities I think it's woeful to presume the same of others. Especially since the poster in question is the normalest fag around.
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