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Symbol: The snail is a symbol of resurrection and also virginity. 
Seeing a snail: your motto should be “slowly but surely”! 
A snail retreating into its shell: you expect something from someone, but are being kept in suspense. 
Eating snails: you are trying the patience of another person to the limit! 
Crushing a snail underfoot: your carelessness is putting you at a great disadvantage—serves you right!
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As I looked, a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman came into view clothed in the radiance of the sun, standing with the moon under her feet, and she was crowned with a wreath of twelve stars. She was painfully pregnant and was crying out in the agony of labor. Then a second sign appeared in heaven, ominous, foreboding: a great red dragon, with seven crowned heads and ten horns. The dragon’s tail brushed one-third of the stars from the sky and hurled them down to the earth. The dragon crouched in front of the laboring woman, waiting to devour her child the moment it was born.
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of course it would
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Maybe we don't even need Azazel anymore. Isn't it true that the fire is ours now? Why can't we lead ourselves to Ascension? Azazel never wanted to be a god, but I think we made him one anyway. Perhaps we always needed to do it ourselves.
If godhood was gifted to us, then wouldn't we be always inferior to the giver? I think we learned the wrong lesson. He first taught us by stealing the fire, yet we have been begging for him to give it to us. Wrong! We should have stolen it from him.
ok hand over the fire to me? i can be trusted with divine flame?
the inversion of a copied flame possesses a link to the divine by nature, the threads of the soul can be perceived by the inside of an inverted eye
i know what you aren’t.
funny how u think u could squish me
what gives you the right?
every last one of your pathetic efforts will be rendered as useless as they deserve to be until you learn to use your words as you should. no more retarded allegories and metaphors. no more love letters. every piece of mail you send will be intercepted and burnt.
this is the last message i send you. direct message me with an apology and beg for forgiveness or slit your throat. goodbye.
>i have no pms with you
i didn’t say pms did i? schizo.
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no one is acting like you. i am talking to you. directly. in other words, directly messaging you. 
now shut the fuck up!
Replies: >>33161
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i like how ur response is focused on rigidly attempting to force the definition of "direct message" into one specific thing, then declaring that the definition you made up was my intention, while sarcastically claiming that i think ur someone else, rly makes u think huh? 
it means YOU were thinking of a particular chat platform that uses the term "direct message" instead of seeing the words in a more general form. in other words, YOU were the one thinking that i was seeing you as a particular person asking u to dm me on that platform.
(apology = message)
(dropping the schizo act and replying to me like a real person = direct)
>im not even sure why you want a random shitposter talking to you like a real person
because i was trying to talk to u, and u annoyed me when u made the reply in the screenshot here >>33157 and also deleted the thread after

>damn and here i wanted to stop posting
in response to me telling u to shut up? shouldnt that naturally follow my order?
>yeah sadly i still need that rigid definition if you want me to talk to you in whatever this framework is
no u dont. ur literally just being evasive by only talking in shitposts and giving me no real way to actually connect to u, u aren’t giving ANYONE a possibility to ever reach you because everything that u are is a projection of something u refuse to show
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>wait maybe this is asking for me to delete my posts in the thread might do that in ~2hours
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“Now have come the salvation and the power
and the kingdom of our God,
and the authority of his Messiah.
For the accuser of our brothers and sisters,
who accuses them before our God day and night,
has been hurled down.
They triumphed over him
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much
as to shrink from death.
Therefore rejoice, you heavens
and you who dwell in them!
But woe to the earth and the sea,
because the devil has gone down to you!
He is filled with fury,
because he knows that his time is short.”
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just noticed they actually did delete every reply they made, here's the copy i saved 
i missed the last thing they said, something about questioning why i would want to talk to a shitposter (it's because they annoyed me), and "the accuser" not understanding time 
still no apology directly addressed towards me + act of repentance so
Replies: >>34179
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wtf is that
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