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i have an extra vps doing nothing
would anyone be interested in a minecraft server...
Replies: >>36025
>>36023 (OP) 
Go fuck yourself
Replies: >>36033
be nice to the cute squishy
I'd like a minecraft server, I still miss /s4scraft/.
It's gotta be cracked tho, and at least 1.20 because cherry trees are cute.
If you're worried about wasting money and low users, there's plugins you can use that will spin up the Minecraft server when someone tries to connect to it and then goes offline after 20 minutes of inactivity.
of course the squishies love cherry trees... why did/s4scraft/ disappear anyway?
Replies: >>36036
I only got one response, it probably wasn't the servers admin, that the player count was very low, it peaked at 6 and was never more than 1 or 2 players per day near the end.
It felt like the early players just min-maxed the game early on and made the game too easy because they had redstone generators on the nether roof to make iron and basically every hard to get item, I just liked exploring peoples builds because it made no sense to play minecraft the normal way, one of the earlier players even gifted me an elytra with mending III so it would never break.
I don't know how the end works in multiplayer servers but I've never actually finished the game as intended.
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actually i lied, i've been running a minecraft server on it for quite some time now

i was mainly testing world gen mods and distant horizons so having a server that i could just leave generating chunks without having my pc be at 100% cpu was convenient 

anyway, game version is 1.20.1, running in offline mode (cracked) and the server is also running a couple of forge mods which are mandatory to get if you want to join:



DistantHorizons-forge-2.3.0-a-dev-1.20.1 (you can use whatever version of DH you want, but if you want the server to send you already existing LODs you need to have this one) 

i've put them all in a zip file for convenience 


i won't be playing on it though so if you need something done post in this thread
Replies: >>36040
why won't you be playing silly?
Replies: >>36041
i don't have the energy..
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That'd be great. Every single community on the internet with more than 3 people needs a token Minecraft server.
Replies: >>36043 >>36044
is that an actual thing
Replies: >>36056
I'm telling Erdogan on you
Bocchi and NEET Bocchi
Replies: >>36055
Imagine these two with their genders flipped and inside a fagbag
pretty much
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