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Can someone explain what the motivation behind getting a blowjob/wanting to get a blowjob is?
Is it just purely psychological, like normalfags just want it reinforcing their identity in that sexnorm kinda way and loveydovey fags just want it reinforcing the idea that their partner loves and wants to pleasure them?
Is there any conception that it's actually supposed to feel better than masturbation/tool assisted masturbation?

This is actually a pretty important question and a good answer would actually really help me in my professional life, please help me to understand.
It's kinda like that yea, part of it is probably getting into the role, if you're gonna be on the receiving end of sex doing receptive things is only going to become more erotic
maybe you might find it hard to visualize, but imagine a switch getting flipped in you, it feels like that for me
Replies: >>30079 >>30081
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>imagine a switch getting flipped in you
guided visualization exercise for op:
Replies: >>30081
>if you're gonna be on the receiving end of sex doing receptive things is only going to become more erotic
I'm asking about getting a blowjob, are you categorizing that as the receiving end of sex? That is how I consider it normally but that doesn't seem to be the conventional notation.
>gross fat dude with a barely average cock
Replies: >>30082 >>30083
oh yeah i guess i didnt read your post and thought you were asking what sparks the desire to suck dick

honestly i can't comment cus i've only fantasized about giving and not receiving
>gross fat dude with a barely average cock
it emphasizes the absolute braindead cocklust mindset, like, u've fallen so far that ur going all hot and bothered by some disgusting freak, god... what's wrong with me... but... i cant go back now...
i wont go on but it's part of the degradation, ur basically letting urself be turned into a toy, etc.
Replies: >>30084 >>30086
i messed up the perspective a bit here but essentially, for the guy it's like "im turning a girl into a braindead cocklust obsessed pathetic sextoy throathole with my dick" and for the girl it's like the previously aforementioned items
Replies: >>30086
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Cringe and edgy
Get better taste in cocks and it can be something uplifting instead
It can't purely be domlarp bullshit, there are blowjobs in worthwhile media.
I guess if I think about it even in dogshit like oneeshota the guy is actually treated as a bottom so giving a blowjob IS just topping your partner.
Replies: >>30088 >>30095
yeah but it was for that specific guided visualization exercise idiot of course it’s edgy
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>It is perhaps important to note that this is not always a conscious process—generally we don't catalog various similarities until we reach a certain threshold, we just intuitively see the resemblances. Wittgenstein suggests that the same is true of language. We are all familiar (i.e. socially) with enough things which are games and enough things which are not games that we can categorize new activities as either games or not.
>This brings us back to Wittgenstein's reliance on indirect communication, and his reliance on thought-experiments. Some philosophical confusions come about because we aren't able to see family resemblances. We've made a mistake in understanding the vague and intuitive rules that language uses, and have thereby tied ourselves up in philosophical knots. He suggests that an attempt to untangle these knots requires more than simple deductive arguments pointing out the problems with some particular position. Instead, Wittgenstein's larger goal is to try to divert us from our philosophical problems long enough to become aware of our intuitive ability to see the family resemblances.
Replies: >>30097
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I think you're right.
While I was asleep I also had the recollection that normalfags are switches, and that the average man would suck a dick if he was a girl. I was taking this to mean that it was all encultured playacting, which I was dismissing out of hand, and indeed there must be such an element, but as you've wisely pointed out that isn't to the exclusion of other elements. The TS'd man is still topping without hesitation without having framed his action in that way; but realizing that the action does exist independent of that frame it makes sense. In either case he is willing and capable of carrying out the play and the play is double sided; just because we discard the intentioned utility of the play to the individual as they perceive it does not mean that they are not performing. They do carry out the act and it does have the usage and consequences of the act, irrespective of the authorial intent - they do actually pleasure someone (by sucking their dick), and the person having their dick sucked is explicitly therefore 'participating in a play in which a person is pleasured', irrespective of their position with reference to that person. So independent of culture, we do have an action which is analagous, in purpose and practice, to e.g. lezzing out with cunninglingus in presentable yuri.
>... there are other processes, besides the one we originally thought of, which we should sometimes be prepared to call "applying the picture of a cube". So our 'belief that the picture forced a particular application upon us' consisted in the fact that only the one case and no other occurred to us. "There is another solution as well" means: there is something else that I'm also prepared to call a "solution", to which I'm prepared to apply such-and-such a picture, such-and-such an analogy, and so on.
>What is essential now is to see that the same thing may be in our minds when we hear the word and yet the application still be different.
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Replies: >>30657 >>30680
Replies: >>30677
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It's one of those things that's on my to-do list but I've never gotten around to
I even have a dildo set aside from the others that's in it's own bag and untouched waiting for it
Replies: >>30701
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Every time I see the thumbnail it makes me think he's getting headpats
you mean deepthroating a dildo?
i do it every time, it gets me lewded up and I don't have to coax my bussy into loosening up cus it already starts gaping when I do it

that trick about squeezing your thumbs in your fists to inhibit your gag reflex really helps the first few times you do it
Replies: >>30702
>you mean deepthroating a dildo?
I guess yeah
>i do it every time, it gets me lewded up and I don't have to coax my bussy into loosening up cus it already starts gaping when I do it
This sounds like a meme. My ass definitely twitches a lot in a kind of distracting way when I get turned on but if anything I feel like that makes me tighter
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