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does anyone have a spare tf2 key lole?
Replies: >>30529 >>30540
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>>30526 (OP) 
Here you go
>>30526 (OP) 
do not get hooked on literal gambling little fumo
especially when the house of this casino are made up of lazy fucks like valve
Replies: >>30542
it is not for gambling
I want to get steam background from a removed game and there's a trader who has it
Replies: >>30543
I want it so bad
if i gift you a tf2 key will you be my friend forever
Replies: >>30546
I would love to
Replies: >>30549
without the key even
they are gone, sad
would you
i have attachment issues so i'd probably be very clingy and possessive
Replies: >>30550
I am also clingy 
I still can't forget about my old friends till now
Replies: >>30552
so yeah I basically don't mind, but I get busy sometimes due to my family
Replies: >>30552
what a whore
i already lost interest no tf2 key for you
i didn't want the tf2 key as much as I wanted a friend to have fun with
it is okay, sorry.
Replies: >>30556
can i be ur friend pls
I am the same person who was sharing the music yesterday btw
i was just joking
i mean the clingy and possessive part is true but i am also avoidant as well lole..
Replies: >>30557
does that mean we can be friends?
Replies: >>30558
>Avoidant personality disorder (AvPD) or anxious personality disorder is a Cluster C personality disorder characterized by excessive social anxiety and inhibition, fear of intimacy, severe feelings of inadequacy and inferiority, and an overreliance on avoidance of feared stimuli (e.g. self-imposed social isolation) as a maladaptive coping method

lole lole lole
Replies: >>30559
it is okie, I don't mind being hurt as it is could be ur mentall illness causing it
in my person opinion any sort of mental illness should be tolerated, and who doesn't tolerate they are just heartless
ig no friends for me
I guess no trading for the kagari background either
Replies: >>30589
Rip my dreams
Replies: >>30586
Its not you its just no one wants to doxx their steam account as someone who uses this site probably
Replies: >>30587
what's so bad about being associated with this site...
Replies: >>30588 >>30595
admin post
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heyyyy Shiiiiiimmmbbuuuuu
Replies: >>30650
keep associating me in ur life and u will end up killing urself
im glad you were able to somehow find this again from a trader if ur not lying, but you obviously arent doing this for yourself. if you were, you wouldnt make it a "side thing where i can ask others for a key for it or i can just forget it." you'd go ahead and buy it Urself
Leave me alone
Replies: >>30651
4chan roots, soyjak spamming lurkers, bullying etc etc
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get fucked xd
stop making false conclusions
I simply liked it as I never knew such background existed
and most of the anime backgrounds on steam sucks aside from the nekopara ones
and i was never gonna steal YOURS ofc
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