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im showing this side to a psychologist  c:
Replies: >>17232 >>17237
pointing out my flaws very clever
it is just a typo
i dream of driving a psychologist to burnout or suicide
Replies: >>17246
there should be more talk about AI obsoleting psychotherapists but too many people consent to worshiping them like a priestly caste
Show them the schizo’s essay in the fishing trip thread lol
he said “skachy sides” to me once instead of sketchy sites
you should sort by reply count and show that thread were i post my peenor lol
Replies: >>17240
Well the third most-replied to thread on this entire site is literally a thread about me. You’re clearly obsessed with me and I thought I’d give you what you want
Replies: >>17241
I have one more reply than you
suck it lozer
Replies: >>17242
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ps here is my face rn
Replies: >>17244
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It was necrobumped with artificial replies to hit that count while mine came to a nice natural conclusion with an exchange between me and magick summing up the thread so you lose *blows smoke at you*
How naive of you to think that one won't gladly take your money and make you bankrupt if youre willing, its good business
Otherwise, eventually he'll just come to understand he cant help you and refer you to someone else
did you show it yet?
Replies: >>17300
it was a joke
Replies: >>17302
what the heck screw you i hate you you are evil and bumd and gay and i ahte you you are evil evil evil
Replies: >>17303 >>17304
I am just some psychic confused schizophrenic from the intenet
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