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If your precious board means something id start backing it up now
Replies: >>26191
>backing up an imageboard
what kind of a retard loser would do something like that lmao
it's okay imageboards are supposed to be an ephemeral thing anyway
this was just a temp refuge from the [s4s] purge a year ago or so that somehow didn't die out.
Replies: >>25949
I'm still getting purged
Replies: >>25950
lol loser
Replies: >>25951
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Replies: >>25956
What do you do to incur the mods wrath that nobody else is doing?
Replies: >>25957
nothing idk
they just hate me
this >>9813296 was the first time they purged me in the way they do it constantly now, deleting all my posts
previously I had been banned for dumb reasons for 3 days, just a couple of times and I would wait it out
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vlad once told me that munch would ask him on discord if certain threads were mine and those same threads would be deleted later
idk if I believe him but today someone made a single post pretending to be me and that post was deleted and the person was banned as well, so they literally just light up anything with my name on it even if it's not actually me, so it's not an automated thing like I used to believe
or maybe it is automated but they still manually ban me on sight if they see any posts with my name, or style.. as the other day they deleted one thread made by someone who wasn't me but that I make sometimes, so they don't want me there anonymously either
Replies: >>25960
Idk why you still bother tbh
The jannies are about as sane as that entire fucking board lol pick up a different one, something actually useful that'll coincide with a hobby or something, its been years
how bout I just kill u
Replies: >>25965
oh my god
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How about i smash u
magick the loser, getting owned... forever... lol
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Still love u all
>>25945 (OP) 
me when rulecucks strike
im sorry wifie
i'll refrain but only because i'm sated by my other ongoing antirulecuckery efforts
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