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do you still want to be my gf(male)?
yea but you gotta spoil me and treat me nice and buy me anime figgies and cude clothes
Replies: >>19232
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I wish I could treat you the way you deserve to be treated.
But my mum has power of attorney over me and now checks my bank statements
if everything goes back to the way it used to be, then i'll come back to you c:
bad times for me at the moment
Replies: >>19234
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my mother needs to die!
If you can pretend you're mentally there for 5 minutes you can just revoke power of attorney in any civilized country.
Replies: >>19236
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i really need to do this
i need to take controll over my life again
Replies: >>19237
How did she even get power of attorney?
Did she get some kind of guardianship thing behind your back and took away your rights?
Replies: >>19238
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she is a narcissistic bitch 
very manipulative
while i had a psychosis she had me sign forms for my own safety
fuckign bitch !!!!!!!!!
im going to kill her
Replies: >>19239
chill out, go see a notary and mail some certified letters.
Replies: >>19240
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yea im chill now ^_^
but sometimes i have to let it all out yopu know 
it is not good when you bottlel everythign up c:
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