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my gf
Replies: >>28200
Replies: >>21218
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im disappointed
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lolwut that isn't even close to the plot
wtf lmao
Replies: >>21224 >>28113
like 90% of anime are adaptations what else are you supposed to watch
Replies: >>21225 >>28150
>what else are you supposed to watch
Nobody is forcing you to watch tv
what do these words mean
Replies: >>28120
Means that that "fan" animation isn't an accurate depiction of the work
which can't even do it right
god how does this fucking website work
they're censored (from what I've seen) for no reason, and as well from what I've seen they're inaccurate as fuck
What anime is this? Are there more boobs?
I found it wtf it's unfair only the first 4 episodes are out on blu ray right now. 
I assume the others are censored.
Replies: >>28195
they're not
at least the source subsplease ripped from was not censored
the show is low budget and not very good though
Replies: >>28196
hot hot booba booba
>>21200 (OP) 
just watch hentai if you're that horny lol
Replies: >>28209
24 hours have been added to your cage time
Replies: >>28210
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I've came 5 times today
Replies: >>28212
I bet you smell really bad
Replies: >>28213
I smell like cum.
Replies: >>28214 >>28215
Replies: >>28216
Only good boys get cummies.
I love this anime Utena shares the same sexual deviancy as me.
Replies: >>28248
she's fictional and made by men
Replies: >>28249 >>28254
utena is written by a woman though
Replies: >>28255
Not this utena retard
Replies: >>28256 >>28257
oh my bad i just came back from a pary and im stil tipsy n didnt check
Neither is written by a woman
Replies: >>28258
Last I checked chiho was a woman, fag
Replies: >>28259
What did she really contribute other than art?
Replies: >>28260
Almost everything since she was writing ahead of the script for the show.
Replies: >>28261
Right, she was little more than their manga monkey. Everything that really makes Utena Utena came from the mind of men.
Replies: >>28262
Utena is the manga, nobody remembers the show.
The great irony is that utena came about because the director, who is basically a fillermonkey, had dreams of writing his own slop instead of being beholden to a different woman's manga that he was adapting and all he actually accomplished was getting another woman to write a manga that he made a shitty tv imitation of.
I hate Ikuhara too so I'll concede.
utena is a cute name I will nme one of my daughters that
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