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I know I'm throwing oil on the fire but I need some opinions or personal experience on the subject. First of all I'm a Linux noob, so I have little experience with it. I bought one of those little mini-PCs to experiment with it and so far my experience with Linux Ubuntu and Linux Mint is quite good. I'm planning to finally get away from Winjew but I'm also someone who likes to play computer games, so I've decided to convert my mid tier gaming laptop into a Linux gaming station (if you can call it that) thanks to Proton. All the games I play I have already looked up on ProtonDB and have either native, platinum or gold support so my hardware is powerful enough to run these games. Unfortunately I couldn't find much actual information or only very contradictory information on this topic so I ask the bright minds of sluts4sale.
I am wavering between Linux mint which is Debian based and Manjaro which is Arch based. Need help deciding between these two, or others if you can give me good reasons. Which of the two would be best for my use case. If you have further questions don't be afraid to ask them but please keep it in a civilized manner even if it's a hot topic that many people are quick to get red-hot about.
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