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me after the rectal prog hits
some of you
it is possible to cum from sucking dick
it is 100% possible to cum hands free because you're sucking a cock
do you ever have normal thoughts?
why did you ask a question and answer your question in the same post
Replies: >>29314 >>29318
both of his sentences were statements 
there were no questions  
try to keep up
Replies: >>29315 >>29316
he just can't keep up
i thought the first line started with is it
Replies: >>29317 >>29318
try to keep up
A vomit blowjob is already more than halfway there and they're pretty easy
What compels you to post when you neither read the posts you're replying to nor consider their meaning?
Replies: >>29319
he just cannot keep up
Replies: >>29320
i forgot i filtered you and i thought you stopped posting
Replies: >>29323
there are bussy ads on
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ok I'll bite, how do you bring yourself to orgasm without touching any erogenous zones on your own body?
It would be pretty wild if you sucked so much dick that your mouth became an erogenous zone short circuited directly to your boy button
Replies: >>29358
no retard you just get so so horny you cum and that's it
I've seen girls and boys cum from it
it is like idk getting a lap dance and cumming accidentally, no touch but you're super horny or something like that
Replies: >>29359
that sounds a lot like premature ejaculation
Replies: >>29360
Everything does to a man with a weak cock
Replies: >>29361
i actually can't even imagine being physically capable of premature ejaculation
that's a foreign level of horny
Replies: >>29362
I'm pretty sure I've had a genuine wet dream as a kid but it's impossible to know if that involved dry humping
>that's a foreign level of horny
Being able to summon orgasms out of the depths of your mind alone seems like the greatest achievement of mindfulness possible tbh
Replies: >>29363
>I'm pretty sure I've had a genuine wet dream as a kid
i haven't
>Being able to summon orgasms out of the depths of your mind alone seems like the greatest achievement of mindfulness possible tbh
it seems like something you could train yourself to do
Replies: >>29364
>it seems like something you could train yourself to do
This is the purpose of like 60% of the board's activity
Replies: >>29365 >>29366
is it though? aren't most of you bouncing on dildos
Replies: >>29367
>is it though?
Yeah. It's institutionalized culture so progress is slow to non-existent in the shared form.
>aren't most of you bouncing on dildos
Well yeah because we haven't transcended to a state of pure illusion where there's no need for physical props or activity yet, otherwise we wouldn't be posting.
Try to keep up
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There are squishies who wouldn't get hard immediately just from imagining sucking their master's cock and that's rly sad
Replies: >>29425 >>29427
dom/sub rp is mad fucking cringe
Replies: >>29431
all squishies do, if they don't then they aren't squishies
Femboys are for treating like an object.
Replies: >>29432
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Everyone is, you're missing the point
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