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I will most likely kill myself soon 
any last words?
Replies: >>9644
no you won't
Replies: >>9640
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This time I will do it for sure.  
i just took a white powder that a man gave me for 40€
I don't even know what it is
Replies: >>9641
Powdered beetle carapace
Replies: >>9642
i don't think so my heart is racing like crazy
>>9638 (OP) 
make sure to record yourself lol
Replies: >>9645 >>9646
sick fuck 
no i wont 
but i will make sure my brother posts my corpse is that enough
Replies: >>9647
He missed out on an opportunity to try out autoerotic asphyxiation
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kmon, at least do a flip off of a bridge or something 

pretty please uwu??
guyz, im gonna kill myself

for realsies this time >=(


Replies: >>9649 >>9650
go on
Replies: >>9651 >>9652
This nigga be acting loopy. Like calm down G.
would you just call a hotline instead of posting here like wtf do you want
Replies: >>9652 >>9653
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whadda ya want to hear?
the world is nice, you just need to know where to look

don't do that, they will put you in the loony bin
Replies: >>9654
im mentally ill nigger 
there is no hope
Replies: >>9655
your truth
how do you go through life
Replies: >>9655
So am I, but that does not mean you cannot have some fun along the way. A desire to off yourself usually stems from an inability to see forward in life. But in truth, in the great majority of cases you are just trapped by your own mind and you can find a way out. Nothing is set in stone.

 You will be dead for the rest of all time, might as well live this life through.
or kill yourself, but at the very least make that special since you have nothing to lose at that point

taking drugs to off yourself is damn near the most pathetic way to go, have you not done any research?
Replies: >>9657
No, I just want to finish myself.
Why are you interested? anyway
Replies: >>9658
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if you are actually serious then the most effective, quick, and easily accessible method is a train

I am interested because I was in such a state a while ago as well, also nothing more interesting is going on for me at the moment than talking with some possibly suicidal altchan user
Replies: >>9659
What type of mental disorder do you have? 
I suffer from pranoid schizophenia   
i tell you its not nice 
you see things that should not exist and you are constantly afraid of being stabbed 
this shit changes you
Replies: >>9661 >>9662
nah, you have me beat

but make sure that when you do go away you do it with style, or just go get some lithium from the doctor
Replies: >>9663
are you taking your meds?
Replies: >>9663
don't you sometimes wish someone would take you out of your shitty life?  
(job, online life etc)
someone who gives you support in your life 

i have not taken any for about 4 months now
Replies: >>9664 >>9665 >>9666
take your fucking meds
all the time, but you should unironically take your meds
i mean i know psych meds aren't without their side effects which can be quite considerable but when you have such severe issues there's unfortunately no alternative
take your medications
Replies: >>9667 >>9670
seriously it's just fucking stupid
Replies: >>9670
i should not have come here
Replies: >>9669 >>9670
don't do anything stupid
Replies: >>9671
having to take normal pills is demeaning, but he literally wants to kill himself

you are fun, post more often
I am so grateful for the banner 
it reminds me that i have at least contributed something to this world 

but I think it's over for me
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 is this high enough to kill me 
i hope so
Replies: >>9676
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you can't be serious, there is no way this will kill you

take your meds you dummy
Replies: >>9677
it is the third floor  
when i land on my neck then 
its over
Replies: >>9680 >>9681
God, give me a sign
Replies: >>9680
take your meds
Replies: >>9682
stop being a retard

either take your meds or find a way that will actually kill you
Replies: >>9682 >>9683
why do you care 

okey i take my meds 
it will not gonna help
because i actually get a 400mg shot 
and i only have 10mg  pills
Replies: >>9686
he probably just really wants to hurt himself not kill himself
Replies: >>9687
JESUS when the next train will arrive
believe it or not most people do not sit completely idle when someone threatens suicide
Replies: >>9688
pretty much this, nobody who is serious about it talks like him
Replies: >>9688
then tell me what makes your life worth living
Replies: >>9689
I'll be dead for the rest of all time, might as well live it out
Replies: >>9690
memento mori from you
but wehat if most of the time i mean 90% of the time you are suffering 
is it really woth it
Replies: >>9692 >>9693
this must be the highlight of the day for you
You don't know if it will get better, you are throwing everything away. You are trapped in your own mind and cannot see things being any different.
right now it is
it won't stay that way
Lamo xd pog
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Sounds like you need a Snickers.
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nooo don't ur so nice
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